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This is an asynchronous learning experience. When these are mandatory it will be indicated on the course syllabus. The first class meeting conflicts with another course I want to take, what should I do? Social analysis as a tool for Christian ministry. The vision of the Church underlying the basic biblical images (People of God, Body of Christ, Temple of the Holy Spirit). The liturgical celebration of these sacraments and the Order of Christian Funerals, together with pastoral and ecumenical considerations. Christianity in relation to other religions. The various books of the Old and New Testaments of the Catholic Bible are introduced in relation to their historical, cultural, and religious backgrounds, with timely references to geographical and archaeological data. Students will thoroughly consider each of the Catechism’s four parts: on Faith, on Liturgy, on Life in Christ, and on Prayer. The use of a classroom more than once a day has been limited. Challenging coursework provides the student an opportunity to think deeply about the meaning and purpose of life while exploring the mystery of God at work in the world. 3 Credits The history of Christian presence in Canada from the beginnings in New France to the modern era, with a particular but not exclusive focus on the Roman Catholic experience. All distance education courses include regular opportunities for substantive interaction between professors and learners and among learners. 3 Credits Dimensions of contemporary spiritualities, both Christian and non-Christian. Elevator capacity is limited to 1 person at a time. As an inherently interdisciplinary field, theology is an ideal liberal arts major. You must contact your instructor via email to receive course information. I have more questions! The Church as constituted by the Word made flesh. All of our forms and documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader. This means that not all courses outlined below are offered in each semester of each year. Member Schools. Toll Free: 1.844.392.2450, Dr. L.P. Mousseau Ethics Lecture Series - Conscience, Faith, Fitness & Fun 5K Run / Walk & 10K Run, Certificate in Catholic Studies Program CCS, Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies B.A. The basic elements of moral theology since Vatican II. Undertaking a distance-learning program does require a different approach to your learning experience. Please read your syllabus. This option is available to seminary students. Students in online courses communicate with their instructor and classmates electronically via a course management system via the internet and email. 3 Credits No set mass schedule has been defined. We will examine the symbolism and meaning of many of the most well-known icons in their details and investigate how icons are made use of liturgically and in our spirituality. You do not have a specific time you need to participate in each class session. Second marriages. (Prerequisites: SYT 100) Our bookstore may be contacted by calling 780-392-2457 or via email at Every distance education course shall be assessed through the same means as on-campus courses, including an opportunity for students to evaluate the course. Program Description. Philo. Central Theological themes (Christology, Ecclesiology, Pneumatology, Soteriology) are identified and expounded. A practicum for preaching. Phone: 780.392.2450 Toll Free: 1.844.392.2450 Email: Self-direction is an integral part of virtual learning. The origin, the structure and the condition of the person in the world; the relationship of the person to God, to others and to the environment. What do I do if I can't access my course online? A recent version of a web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Explorer, or Safari. Origins of Christian community and relationship with the mission of the Church. A number will be posted to report sanitization concerns, and response will be immediate. What kind of computer skills should I have? 3 Credits The addresses for Mercy Counselling offices can be found on the Catholic Social Services website Missiology, Eschatology, and overall theological perspectives within and in relation to the Canon of Scripture. History of the New Testament era. You also need strong reading and study skills. Classroom seminars on aesthetics and art history will introduce students to the West’s rich tradition of architecture, painting and music alongside seminal reflections on beauty by such as Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, John Ruskin, Jacques Maritain, Josef Pieper, and Joseph Ratzinger. To complete a Clinical Pastoral Education(C.P.E.) 3 Credits Traditional and contemporary Christologies. What kind of computer skills should I have? Your student account may be accessed by going to the Student Logins Page. The Church and holiness (including Mariology). This innovative degree offers for our seminarians a classically-oriented formation that suitably prepares them to take up the advanced study of Theology, through our Master’s of Divinity program. Jesus Christ as the revelation of God and humanity. Preparations for belief in the Trinity in the history of Israel. Please review the Admissions section on this website or in our Academic Calendar thoroughly so you may understand what is expected of you as a student here at NTC. If you wish to think more clearly and lovingly about the good, the true, and the beautiful, the study of the liberal arts and theology is for you! 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits A historical and literary overview of Christian writers and theology from the first to the seventh century. Otherwise if possible arrangements will be made with the professor to complete their class from a distance. The Benedict XVI Institute for New Evangelization aims to serve the New Evangelization by developing and offering innovative programs in faith formation and catechesis. The seminar component of this course will invite students to engage, at a level pertinent to their program of study, with contemporary issues raised by the literature at hand. Most of our online instructors use Moodle to communicate with their students. You will need a web browser, and some courses may require the use of software that allows you to create documents, spreadsheets and/or presentations such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, etc. Yes, the textbook information will be on the syllabus or on the course management system that the instructor is using. The Christ event and the Trinity. 3 Credits Newman Theological College. The nature of theology. The program can be taken fully online on a part-time basis over 2 years. NTC provides theological education which is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Hybrid courses require weekly class meetings. This course considers the Canonical corpus of the Old Testament traditionally referred to as the Psalms and Wisdom literature (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Qoheleth/Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon and Sirach/Ecclesiasticus). Please read your syllabus. Online courses do not require meetings on-campus. Emphasis on heightening the students' understanding of theory, skills, personal maturity and related ethical issues. However, they may request NTC items for pick-up by emailing library staff. There are opportunities for interaction with the professor at least weekly as part of the course. History of the ecumenical movement. Students are urged to have some familiarity with Canadian history in preparation for this course. Online courses do not require meetings on-campus. When these are mandatory it will be indicated on the course syllabus. 3 Credits The roots of social justice in the tradition. This is an asynchronous learning experience. This course considers the Canonical literature traditionally attributed to the Fourth Evangelist (Gospel of John; 1, 2 and 3 John, the Book of Revelation). The online course also offers you an opportunity to share how you are or have engaged in teaching and learning about the subject/theme in the past. The human dimensions of love and sexuality. Successful completion of FND 110G* is a prerequisite for FND 111G*. Yes, check the Academic Schedule for deadlines or you may contact the Registrar's office. Learn more about the services and resources provided by the Library. Use this self-assessment to gauge your readiness for online learning. Liberalism, Fundamentalism, Ecumenism, Feminist Theology, Liberation Theology. 3 Credits Public coffee and tea station has been removed until further notice to ensure public safety. Course Management Systems are open 24/7; however, you must adhere to deadlines for completing assignments, exams, etc. Definition of Spirituality and its relationship to Theology. The relationship between God and the human person, love and hate, good and evil, truth and falsehood, beauty and sin. These Course Offerings Sheets are also available for pickup in the foyer of Student Services on campus. Online courses deliver all course activities over the Internet and can be accessed from a computer with a Web browser (ex.Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari). The development of distinct rites in the Eastern and Western Church with a special attention to the ongoing development of the Roman Rite. For further details see the specific course offerings for the current academic year. Up to date information on the skills and requirements for Distance Education at Newman Theological College is maintained on the College website under Programs & Courses. MPS 339P – A student enrolled in the one year pastoral placement of MPS 339P is considered in full-time enrollment at NTC. Enter and leave classrooms one at a time. If you find you need further assistance, you may call our Dean of Students at 780-392-2450 ext. You will need to know how to attach files to an email. The basic responsibilities, skills and attitudes of ministry today, particularly in the parish context. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 3 Credits 3 Credits For all students, our new Bachelor of Arts aims to develop what our college patron Cardinal Newman called “an integrated habit of mind”. (Prerequisite: SCR 100) The contributions of the pure and social sciences to spirituality. Faith Baptist Theological Seminary offers all traditional and module seminary classes through Zoom video-conferencing, allowing students to earn a Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, or Doctor … (Prerequisites: SYT 100) Newman Theological College will have a mix of both online and on-campus courses, given the requirements for social distancing, said Jason West, president of the college. Theological and pastoral principles for presiding within the liturgical assembly. An initial consideration of the historical backdrops to these literary compositions leads to a close sequential examination of the Gospel and the Book of Acts. The historical development of the Church in the Medieval Era from the beginning of the eighth century to 1500. You can send the facilitator of your course a direct e-mail message if you have a personal question or concern. Our bookstore may be contacted by calling 780-392-2457 or via email at Students in the M.R.E. Copy of the C.P.E. (CATH)), Graduate Certificate in Catholic School Administration (G.C.C.S.A. She/he is there to support you in your learning. The following four characteristics are common for successful online students: The Online Education Initiative (OEI) has developed the Online Student Readiness Tutorials, a series of interactive multimedia tutorials that address the real challenges experienced by online students, new and experienced, while pursuing success in online classes. Hold items will be checked out to the requester and be made available on the pickup table just outside the library entrance. (Prerequisite: SCR 100) Newman Theological College. If you are referring to another participant’s comments, it helps to refer to the participant by name. Where can I find the instructor’s contact information? 3 Credits What other skills do I need to be successful? Do Distance Education courses transfer to other schools? The tomb appearance narratives. The Psalter and Wisdom Literature are covered in turn, with specific emphasis given to historical, literary, exegetical and theological questions. Early period to include Origen, the Desert Tradition, early monasticism, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius Pontius, and Pseudo Dionysius. 3 Credits At our college, we seek to cultivate a community that fosters the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of students, a love for the gospel, and a sense of what it means to live out Christ’s call in the midst of our homes, our parishes, our professions, and our nation. Most of our online courses do not have class meetings on-campus. The high points of theology throughout the history of the Church. This course considers the Book of the Acts of the Apostles and the epistolary literature constituted of the Letter to the Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, James, and Jude. Anglicanism from the 16th century to the present with a view to identifying theological direction and emphasis which have been characteristic of this community. Students must meet with the Director of Field Education at the beginning of their 2nd academic year on the B.Th. An introduction of the basic issues involved in the ministry of pastoral counselling. Students register for MPS 339P for the fall of internship year and then MPS 339b in the following fall. A computer or laptop and high speed internet access. Distance education courses at Newman Theological College are held to the same academic standards as on-campus courses. This means you can respond to the various elements of the course at any time. Detailed information about the skills and equipment you need to be successful in an online course are on this webpage. Catholic reforms and the Council of Trent. Faith and reason. This course presents an introduction to Catholic belief and practice by means of a study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Beginning with the sixth session, services will be at the student’s expense. Do Distance Education courses transfer to other schools? Contact Us. 3 Credits Up to five counselling sessions are sponsored by NTC. See tuition & fees at Unless you are involved in a chat room or audio bridge, you cannot ask questions and receive immediate answers. Formation and interpretation of the New Testament: biblical inspiration, canonicity, textual criticism, hermeneutics, history, geography and archaeology. There is no charge for copying, scanning or printing. Convalidation. Welcome to Newman Theological College Distance Learning. City, State OR Zip . Register for our courses just as you would for a regular course. The Church before and after Vatican II. Influences on his thought. Many classes have been transferred to online delivery, some classes remain on-campus but enrollment for these classes has been restricted to accommodate social distancing guidelines. The sacraments of initiation. In order to succeed in this type of course, you must be computer literate and have experience in computer communication. What is the difference between online and hybrid courses? You do not see your instructor regularly, so you must be able to manage your time effectively and stay on track with your coursework. 3 Credits Initial considerations of the historical backdrops to these gospels lead to a closer examination of the literature. Welcome to Newman Theological College! 3 Credits 3 Credits It's very important that you get in touch with your instructor as soon as possible by email. The course is paced with specific assignments for each week. Yes, the textbook information will be on the syllabus or on the course management system that the instructor is using. The Student Handbook will provide information on the following and more. Zoroastrianism. 3 Credits What is Distance Education? Both works are read in their entirety, with particular attention given to their Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Missiology, Eschatology, and overall theological perspectives within and in relation to Salvation History. MPS 339ab – To do a year-long ministry placement with a concurrent theological reflection session during the 3rd academic year. Groups and parties. Certificate in Catholic Studies (NTC) Students who have successfully completed 6 courses in the program may be granted 3 transfer credits to an NTC undergraduate program. The relationship between theology and the following: revelation (Scripture and Tradition), spirituality and liturgy, philosophy and the human sciences. In some cases individual tutorials of this nature may be part of the course requirements. Additionally, instructors make themselves available to distance education students for individual discussions on an as needed basis via Skype, telephone, etc. Phone: 780.392.2450 The campus has computers in the library, learning center and labs. The program can be taken fully online on a part-time basis over 4 years. I wanted to pursue my masters from a country like Canada, as it has always been my dream. If required, the library will limit access to 8 students at a time. The place and importance of matrimonial legislation in Church law. In our case we use Moodle and Desire2Learn. (please provide your username, course, and your issue in your email. Find a School MENU About ATS. the sick, the dying, the handicapped, those with addictions, victims of violence, and the homeless). You will need to know how to create an account in an online application. Common Judaism: daily life and worship. Certificate in Catholic Studies (NTC) Students who have successfully completed 6 courses in the program may be granted 3 transfer credits … Biblical and theological themes that define the person in Christ. Jewish and Hellenistic thought and literature: Apocrypha, apocalyptic, testament, rabbinical literature. Student Services (Payment of Tuition & Fees, Registrar, Dean of Students), Contact Information (Administration and Faculty), Changes in Registration Add/Drop/Withdrawal, Regular access to the Internet and a computer (either a PC with Windows and a Pentium processor or a Macintosh with at least system 9.0). If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The modern problem of the compatibility between an authoritative divine revelation and human knowledge, freedom and experience. This course considers the Canonical Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Can I withdraw from it? I have more questions! 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