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Ezra's possibly trying to live up to his parents. A Palpatine's machinations motif was written by John Williams and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra for the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.The leitmotif accompanies scenes relating to the machinations of Darth Sidious, and nearly makes up the entirety of the Revenge of the Sith 5m1 cue "Palpatine Instructs Anakin.". Imperial troops and vehicles enter the Dome's hangars. He finds himself in another world where his father and mother are very much alive, and, unfortunately, so is the Empire. In the command center, Chopper tries to access the network terminal but is electrocuted. Ezra instantly developed a crush on Sabine the moment she first revealed her beauty to him. 6 months ago. While Ezra considers his choices, the Emperor claims that so few have been offered the choice he is being given. Melch leaps out of the ceiling hatch and shoots one stormtrooper before leading the rest on a chase. The design of the Imperial Royal Guards seems to be based on their appearance from the Legends comic series Crimson Empire, with the helmets and shoulder pads being based on the training uniforms and the rest based on the armor worn by Kir Kanos.[source? "A Fool's Hope" is the fourteenth episode of the fourth season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. When Ezra met Emperor Palpatine via hologram, the Emperor offered Ezra the chance to reunite with his parents through the last remaining portion of the Lothal Jedi Temple by opening a door into the World Between Worlds. He adds that the actions of the rebels require a firm hand to ensure there is order on Lothal. Melch soon arrives with a stormtrooper in pursuit but Rex shoots the trooper. Despite Ezra's warning, Sabine (and Kanan) opened fire on the Nightsister ghosts. The first episode of Rebels focuses on Ezra, nothing more than a Loth-rat, and his running into the Ghost Crew, which he eventually gets given an ultimatum to join by Kanan.. Ezra was another Star Wars protagonist who dreamt of more, of both going to the stars, but also helping his people.Joining the Ghost Crew improved his life immensely, and the lives of so many others on Lothal. Rukh reclaims the patrol transport and flies away despite the loth-wolf damaging its canopy. She calls for Ezra only to hear the transport's engines taking off. One of the crew members informs Thrawn that "several unidentified objects" have entered Lothal's orbit and destroyed the blockade. The Inquisitor even complimented Ezra's abilities to a degree. Rex consoles Gregor, who dies in his arms. After the Ghost Crew joined the Rebellion he didn't share Ezra's point of view on trusting Captain Rex but he was willing to save him in the end. Later on in Stealth Strike, Kallus warned Brom Titus not to underestimate Ezra, whom he had recently captured. Several years have passed and Sabine reflects that the attack they anticipated never came. "Family Reunion – and Farewell" is the fifteenth, sixteenth, and final, episodes of Star Wars Rebels Season Four, and the final episodes overall. At Hondo's signal, Melch runs and Zeb throws him on top of the transparisteel window above the command center. Ezra escaped Kallus' clutches and reunited with the rebels when they came to rescue him. Ezra and Zeb started off as rivals, with Zeb treating him as an outcast. At that point, Rukh enters the fray with several Death troopers; multiplying the rebels' problems. Ezra quickly developed an intense dislike towards the Seventh Sister, expressing annoyance at her attempts to seduce him. When Ezra asks about his friends, the Emperor claims that he will see his parents alive again. After his parents were taken away by the Empire, he was heartbroken. Star Wars Rebels: Rex Doesn't Believe Obi Wan is Alive. Later, when Commander Sato promoted Ezra to Lieutenant Commander, Hera told Ezra that Kanan would be proud. He tempts Ezra with the offer of taking up the "life that he deserves.". By Andy L. Kubai Jan 30, 2018 In that episode they worked together to prevent Thrawn from knowing the location of their rebel base. Kallus was accepted by the Lasat and went to live there. For one, Palpatine put a lot of resources into the unknown parts of the galaxy: money, materiel, and people. Hera Syndulla overhears Ezra's reflection and tells him that they are bringing Governor Arihnda Pryce up. Hera and Sabine realize that the purrgil are going to jump into hyperspace. She then distracts the rest of the rebels by proposing that they study the base's schematics to find a way to raise the shields and take control of the power terminals. "A Fool's Hope"[1] Thrawn tells Ezra that this is something the Jedi won't teach him and that he will take Ezra to someone who will. Together with a white-robed Ahsoka Tano, Sabine sets out to find Ezra and bring him home to Lothal. 00:06:14. The Emperor tells Ezra won't be open forever and to make his decision quickly. After Kanan was captured by the Empire Ahsoka told Hera to take her crew into hiding in order to protect Ezra. Ambiguous Situation: Ahsoka's fate as of the end of this episode, though much less so than her last appearance. Hera contacts Zeb's team, who are under attack in Sector 1244. Hera decides that for their plan to work they need to stall Thrawn somehow. The Emperor claims that it is possible to change the past and that there are infinite paths, powers, and possibilities. However, despite his dislike for her, he could not bring himself to strike her down when he had the chance and even felt sympathy when Maul murdered the helpless Inquisitor. When Ezra was captured by Saxon, and Rau disagreed with saving him and called him a pawn, Sabine corrected him, saying Ezra wasn't a pawn, and she had total confidence he could take care of himself. When learning that the Grand Inquisitor was planning to capture Kell, Ezra and fellow cadet Zare Leonis convinced Kell to escape the Academy, after which Kell went into hiding. Under the alias of "Dev Morgan", he made friends with Kell. Thrawn is intrigued by what he regards as the enigma of the Force but opines that the Jedi for all their power lack a vision of how to wield it. Zeb and Rukh tumble off the platform. Ezra wishes that his parents could meet with his new family. Writer(s) Back on Lothal, Zeb and Rukh fight while navigating through the power conduits of the north tower. Sabine, Ketsu, Hera, and Ezra reach a door, which Ketsu tries to unlock. When Ezra tried to kill a fellow rebel (because he'd mistaken him for Maul), she tried (unsuccessfully) to hold him back. Palpatine the Clone? Director(s) When Kanan thought Ezra had fallen to his death, he fought The Inquisitor with both his and Ezra's lightsabers to avenge him but with a renewed focus, showing that Kanan has come to care for Ezra deeply. Without the help of the wolves, Wolffe admits that they would have been goners. This cooled Sabine's temper and made her apologetic, and she subsequently returned to Kanan and apologized; after she revealed the truth about her past with the Empire, Ezra joined Kanan and Rau in expressing his support for her. On the Ghost, Hera tells Rex to bring out every star chart along Ezra's last known trajectories. Aboard the Chimaera, the Emperor tells Thrawn to leave him and Ezra alone. In the final episode of Rebels Recon, Dave Filoni explained that the reason why Ezra and Sabine didn’t get together at the point of the series finale was because he felt that it was more important to show that boys and girls can have a strong connection and be supportive of each other without being in a relationship. 1 Series 2 Dating Timeline 3 Threats to Ezria 4 Music in Ezria Scenes 5 Memorable Places/Items 6 Notes 7 Children 8 Quotes 9 Gallery 10 Navigational In the "Pilot," Ezra meets Aria at a bar. Star Wars Rebels: Thrawn is Mentally One step Ahead. 0 BBY[3]5 ABY[4] Rex may see a little of Anakin and Ahsoka in Ezra. Rex warns that the Empire won't let them keep the planet and that they need to prepare to fight back. At Ezra's former "roost," Sabine gazes at the new Capital City as two X-wing starfighters and a T-6 shuttle fly past. However, his master's absence caused Ezra to doubt her. Later, she scolded Ezra for his reckless actions. Mart realizes that Rukh has taken their last gunship and has probably warned Thrawn about their attack plan. Ezra and Kanan then went into a death battle with Vader. Because of this, it's unknown if Ezra is still on good terms with Hondo. When the Emperor feigns bemusement with Ezra's "lack of gratitude," Ezra condemns the Emperor for destroying the Temple, imprisoning his people, and murdering his parents. However, upon seeing his teacher blind and needing his help, Ezra felt guilty and apologetic to Kanan. "C'mon, Ezra. Later on, Leia learned a little more about Ezra (and of the deaths of his parents) and they came to an understanding, that even though she was a princess she felt because she could fight, she had to, for those who could not. Recently, however, tension grew between teacher and student, seen during a sparring match when Ezra was frustrated by his inability to best Kanan, and when he couldn't connect with the Krykna Spiders, and Kanan lecturing his student, which irritated Ezra more. After Thrawn terminates the transmission, a distraught Ezra walks away. Wolffe also regains consciousness and tells Vizago to get up and recalls they were attacked by Thrawn's "pet." Though a part of him so desperately wanted to be with his parents again, Ezra remembered everything he'd learned ever since he became a Jedi and let his parents go, destroying the Temple and permanently closing the door. At the bridge of the Chimaera, Thrawn orders all batteries to bombard Capital City. When Kanan asked Ezra if he trusted her, Ezra told him that he did, to which Kanan then impressed into Ezra that he must learn to accept there are things outside his control, insinuating to Ezra that he had to trust Sabine could handle herself. He then sighed, shuffling forward. Upon finding out that Ezra was in danger, Hera and Kanan flew to Reklem Station to rescue him. Episode 10 shows us some of the pain that former University of Utah football star — and current assistant coach — Sharrieff Shah has gone through. However, in truth, Palpatine was actually an arrogant, ambitious, power-hungry, and machiavellian indivi… Ryder's plan is to launch the Dome once they are inside, ending Imperial rule on Lothal. The purrgil grab the Chimaera with their tentacles and start to glow with blue light. Rukh arrives in his gunship as the blast doors seal. Yoda was visibly disappointed when Ezra expressed his determination to fight, but then instructed him and his companions to "Find Malachor". The Emperor tells Ezra that his parents are waiting for him to open the door and rejoin them. In his quarters, Thrawn compliments Ezra for his "wise" decision to surrender. Despite Sabine's protective side of Ezra, she does occasionally like to tease him, as she had Chopper lock down his feet to make Ezra believe that he couldn't lift him, and even said she "knows what he smells like". The rebels climb up the top of the command center just as the Ghost flies past and strafes the stormtroopers, causing them to fall down the viewport. He explains that there were several paths ahead in front of him. Showing that she wants Ezra to follow the right path. Now a member of the Lothal resistance group, Kell assisted Ezra and the Ghost crew on several missions. In the south tower, Hondo laments letting Melch down only to discover that Melch was stunned. The guards use their Force pikes to lift Ezra into the air, leaving him in a state of agony. It soon became clear that Maul was indeed using Ezra and sought to have him as his apprentice, but was thwarted by Ezra's master, Kanan. Kallus observes that the people are with General Syndulla, who replies that if the Empire wants a fight, they'll be ready. Cikatro Vizago and Mart Mattin are loading a container aboard their patrol transport. Thrawn tells Ezra that his decision to surrender was predictable due to the Jedi having a long history of choosing what they regarded to be just and morally correct over strategically sound choices. Before Ezra and Ahsoka met, he had only known her by the name "Fulcrum". Zeb later questioned why Ezra's parents would risk everything, showing that he feels bad for what had happened to Ezra. Ezra was more concerned about his master than the possibility that he would be possessed as well. The Ghost does a second pass and lands at the executive landing bay. Ryder Azadi and Kallus lead the captive Pryce. Palpatine gestures for Ezra to enter the structure. Season In later years after Ezra joined the GhostCrew, he continued to miss his parents very much. After Hondo was captured by the Empire, he led them to the Crew because of the tracking device he hid in Ezra's transmitter. Mart replies that it is more like what and tells him to be ready for a surprise. Series The episode premiered on March 5, 2018, right before the series finale "Family Reunion – and Farewell." 00:11:28. At the time of her demise, the woman pleaded with the boy as she was helpless. Together they succeeded in taking the Sith Holocron from the Temple of Malachor, and Ezra insisted Maul was on their side. Kanan assured Ezra that he never blamed him, and told him that he needed to forgive himself. Thrawn contacts Rukh by comlink only to receive Zeb, who taunts him that Rukh is preoccupied and tells him not to bother calling him back. Wolffe points out that nobody uses that anymore and asks who they are supposed to be contacting. However, Hera didn't trust Ezra's judgment when Hondo was involved. Air date After being freed by Kanan, the first thing she did was ask about Ezra. He slowly but surely gained the boy's confidence and pressured him into opening himself to the Dark Side for power and revenge even though Ezra claimed he just wanted justice. They met after Ezra had a vision about his parents and Ryder sadly informed Ezra that his parents died helping other prisoners escape. An apologetic Palpatine responds that it was Ezra who chose to destroy the Temple. Dave FiloniHenry GilroyKiri HartSimon KinbergSteven Melching Back at the Lothal rebel base, Mart is woken up by the white loth-wolf, who licks him. The Inquisitor tried to sway Ezra to turn to the Dark Side and threatened to destroy all that the boy cares about, which provoked Ezra into briefly giving into the Dark Side. Hera reminds them about their mission to set up the deflector shield. She realized that there was something else she had left to do. Thrawn tells him that he expected Pryce to fail and tells Rukh to get inside and deactivate the shield generator before the rebels lock down the "Dome." The Chimaera and two other Star Destroyers deploy TIE fighters but are unable to stop the onslaught of the purrgil. This is very sad and angsty, and I kinda felt bad about writing it—but there’s plenty of Hera-and-Ezra interaction and lots of SpaceMom hugs. However, the Lasat uses one of his rear claws to pin Rukh's leg between two metal bars on the conduit. They appeared to hit it off due to both individuals' pasts engaging in illicit activities, but Ezra appeared not so trusting of Hondo whereas Hondo came to like Ezra (disregarding, and actually approving of the fact he lied about his identity) and wished to recruit the boy when he identified him as a Jedi. Ezra tells the Emperor that he knows what and who he is. Kallus agrees that they have little chance of success. Gregor is skeptical but Rex vouches for Ezra's plan since he is a Jedi. She was upset with Ezra when she found out that he'd turned a recon mission into a recovery mission. They parted with Ezra shooting Leia with a stun-blast to maintain their cover, but it was on good terms. Though his attempts to capture the rebel group failed, he captured Ezra Bridger and planned to use him as bait to capture the rest of the rebels. Hondo and Ezra's relationship took a rocky turn during "Legends of the Lasat". After the mission, Ezra had a newfound respect for Sabine. When Ezra asks why he should surrender when he holds Thrawn's entire army captive, Thrawn points out that Ezra merely moved the Imperial forces to a safe position so that the Grand Admiral can bombard the civilians of Lothal City without incurring any Imperial casualties. Following Kanan's orders, she placed a tracker on Ezra's comlink (without him knowing). Ezra was deeply concerned about Hera when she (along with Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper) had been captured and held hostage by Maul. Sabine says that everyone knew what his father was like. Kylo Ren Meets Emperor Palpatine | Star Wars Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker (2019) | 4K UHD. He was shocked and angered by Saw Gerrea's harsh treatment of Kilk-Klah and insisted that he stay where he belonged. Kanan took Ezra into his "family", otherwise known as the crew of the Ghost. Thrawn demands that Ezra come alone and warns that he will resume bombardment and destroy the city and his friends if Ezra attempts any "heroics.". Chopper loves to play pranks on both Ezra and Zeb, forming a rivalry between them. It would seem that the inquisitor has a slightly irregular attraction towards the young Jedi. Sabine also mentions that Hera and Rex fought during the Battle of Endor and were joined by a new crew member, Hera's son Jacen Syndulla, or "Spectre 7." When Ezra and Maul attempted to join the two Holocrons, Kanan reminded his student of the Bendu's warning, telling him to look away before it was too late. Their relationship evolved over time, however, as the two of them became close friends and began going on missions together, as well as still having the occasional tussle. The two later met again when Ezra revisited the temple with Kanan and Ahsoka, with the Jedi Master warning Ezra about the danger of his growing power and the lure of the dark side. When the Empire destroyed his old house, Ezra was seen upset that all the memories he had with his parents was gone. When Hera assigned Sabine to a solo mission to SkyStrike Academy to find the three pilots (Wedge, Rake, and Hobby), Ezra suggested that they send him instead since he'd done it before. Gregor thinks Zeb is crazy but Kallus points out that it was his idea. Besides Kanan, Sabine is the second closest person to Ezra. Hera also contacts Wolffe back at the rebel base to be ready for a pick-up. Palpatine is dressed in fine white robes and gently tells Ezra that he is eager to meet him. Ezra orders Rex to lock the Imperial prisoners in the storage bay just as Ryder enters the command center with Governor Pryce and Rex in tow. Ezra first met Jai Kell when he was going undercover as a cadet at the Imperial Academy on Lothal. After solving the mural of the Ones, Ezra entered the World Between Worlds, where he saved Ahsoka Tano from her duel with Darth Vader. Above Capital City, Ezra forces his way onto the bridge of the Chimaera and takes out two of Thrawn's death troopers. Luckily for the galaxy, Ezra resists Palpatine's temptation, proving he truly learned from Kanan's last lesson. Ezra was the most saddened when the Rebels were forced to leave the clones behind and was the happiest to save them. After an adventure escaping the imperials on Lothal, Ryder chose to join the Rebellion, leading a group of rebels on their home planet, especially after he saw that Kanan was a Jedi. 1. [Source]. Despite using him, Maul seemed to have a slight fondness for Ezra, expressing confidence in the boy's abilities and even saving his life twice. After Kanan and Sabine, Zeb is the third closest person to Ezra. However, when Ezra was fighting The Inquisitor with Kanan in a Star Destroyer's reactor room, he had no problem pushing Ezra off the ledge to his supposed death. Zeb and Hondo share jokes while Melch exchanges fire with his pursuers. Mart explains that Ezra's plan was for their team to fly up to Lothal's upper atmosphere and transmit on Frequency Zero. Ezra accepted his parents were gone and though he could have gotten them back the cost would have been the galaxy's to pay, and it was his Jedi training and all that he experienced that gave him the strength to let go yet continue to miss them and honor them. Ezra uses the Force to push Thrawn towards a tentacle, which grabs him. Ezra was very concerned when Sabine and Kanan were possessed by the spirits. Defiant to the end, Pryce stands in the command center as she is consumed by the blast. Ezra is horrified. Hera explains that this is the Empire's new order to summon Imperial forces back to base for evacuation. Ezra met Gar Saxon on Concord Dawn after Saxon had decimated The Protectors, and attempted to deceive the Imperial Viceroy regarding his true intentions. Thrawn shows Ezra his private art collection including a wall covered by Sabine's graffiti. Ezra suggests that Pryce transmit the "victory code" to her Imperial allies before flying to the Capital City with the rebels as her "prisoners." Star Wars Rebels: Emperor Palpatine Vs Ahsoka & Ezra - YouTube However, Ezra quickly realized that Klik-Klak was afraid of them and befriended him. Kallus is disguised as an Imperial officer in a black uniform and points a gun at Pryce's back. When Ahsoka declared there were no more Jedi because Vader and his inquisitors had hunted them down, Vader threatened to interrogate Ezra for the information he desired. According to series creator Dave Filoni , the events of Rogue One and A New Hope happen shortly after this episode, thus refocusing Palpatine's attention from Ezra and Lothal's liberation to the Rebel Alliance and Luke Skywalker. Ezra, once again narrowly escaped Vader's grasp. She even went as far as obtaining and cleaning out a hologram file of Ezra and his parents and was instrumental in helping Ezra confront his demons about his parents' whereabouts. Ryder Azadi and Kallus lead the captive Pryce. Ezra considers his parents offer but realizes that it is a lie since he felt his parents' deaths. The theme is heard next in episode 16 when Emperor Palpatine's Hologram revels his true appreance to Ezra … Ezra and Sabine Wren are disguised as scout troopers while Rex is disguised as a stormtrooper. The Mandalorian Chapter 13 was everything we ever dreamed of so let’s jump in and talk about The Jedi finally arriving! Production No. The two even worked on the TIE together behind everyone's back. Kallus demands the landing codes from Pryce and warns that he will check that they are correct. Kallus acknowledges Ezra's Jedi abilities and considers him a worthy opponent. She mentions that after the War, Zeb took Kallus to the secret hyperspace path that led to the planet Lira San. Palpatine's hologram emerges from the rubble, flickering to show his true self, and commands his Royal Guards to kill Ezra, though Ezra manages to defeat them and escape. Rukh screams in agony as he is electrocuted to death. While riding her speeder bike through Lothal's fields, she passes a Loth-cat watching a pair of loth-wolves including the White loth-wolf running. When Ezra led the others in a bid to find Kanan, she was not happy with him, but when their efforts paid off she praised Ezra for stepping up and that Kanan had taught him well. Guiding Ezra with his arm, Thrawn leads Ezra to a special chamber aboard the Chimaera where they are met by a holographic projection of Emperor Palpatine, who has assumed his "un-scarred" visage prior to his fateful duel with Jedi Master Mace Windu. Is he looking for a younger apprentice to replace Darth Vader? Later when the rebels were trying to leave aboard an Imperial Shuttle, Ezra again felt Vader's presence through the force; who was right behind them. When the officer in Hangar 271 notes the irregularity of the order, Ryder poses as Imperial Security Bureau Colonel Wullf Yularen, mimicking his voice, and announces that he is executing "Override Code Base Gamma Zero." While Ezra admits that this was not his preferred path, he says he had to do it because that was something Kanan taught him. She and Kanan followed Ezra and Maul to Dathomir to help him. Ezra wishes that his parents could meet with his new family. Ezra was offended by Hera's desicion to put Zeb in charge of the mission, and argued that he should be in charge since he'd gotten the information first. Ezra then attacks the stormtroopers from behind and uses his green lightsaber to chop off their blasters before hurling them aside with the Force. When Pryce refuses, Ezra whistles for the White Loth-wolf, who immediately bears down upon her, growling and snapping its teeth. There’s every chance that this laughing could belong to a clone of Palpatine. 415 & 416[2] After freeing the Sumar, Ezra didn't see Morad again until he and Kanan returned to Lothal to meet up with Ryder Azadi. Meeting Maul, Ezra claimed he wanted justice for the deaths of his parents, but the former Sith twisted Ezra's feelings towards revenge. Mart jokingly asks Wolffe if he would have believed him if he told him that the purrgil were Ezra's plan. Ketsu tells Sabine they are in. 4 years ago. At the rebel base on Lothal, Ezra Bridger reflects on an image of his late parents Ephraim and Mira Bridger in the Ghost's top gun turret. She promises to work things out. The Stormtrooper Commander tells Ezra they will take it from here. Sabine reflects that she once used to think that Ezra was counting on her to protect Lothal and its people. Ezra and Chopper first met when Ezra was sneaking around in the Ghost near Kanan's room. Something she felt made them both similar. Ezra admired Anakin Skywalker's abilities with a lightsaber, and even watched his training recordings for his own training. The wolves watch as the Ghost flies into the sky. As for his parents, Palpatine offers Ezra "what might have been and what yet may be." He tells Rukh to wait since he is already enroute to Lothal. Ezra adds that his new family, the Spectres, fight so hard and helped him to understand the sacrifices that his parents made. Pryce obliges but retorts that the sooner they land, the sooner they 'will' be prisoners. After discovering that his Padawan had been using the Sith Holocron, the two began to conflict once again. After receiving a message from Maketh Tua that she needed help, Ahsoka was seen smiling at Ezra when he stepped up and said they need to help Tua, and Ahsoka agreed with him. Outside, Hondo informs Ezra that he and Melch are in position. Ezra trusted Sabine enough not to tell Hera that he and Zeb didn't crash the stolen TIE Fighter. Zeb responds that the Imperials are locked in with them. When Ezra reminds Thrawn that the Jedi survived, Thrawn responds that the Jedi Order once numbered thousands but are now what he describes as a "scattered, frightened lot consisting of poorly trained children" like himself. While Kanan refuses to trust Rex, Ezra believes they can. Ezra admits that the odds against them are stacked. After Ezra made it clear that he would never be Maul's apprentice, Maul finally saw that the bond he thought the two shared was one-sided and scorned Ezra by expressing his disappointment and mockingly laughed as he left Ezra behind and left to find Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kallus explains that their true plan is to lure all Imperial forces on Lothal back to the "Dome" using Protocol 13. Before he can shoot Mart, he is attacked by the white loth-wolf. In Spark of Rebellion, Kallus arranged a trap for the Lothal Rebels onboard an Imperial freighter falsely believed to be carrying wookie prisoners. Since Ezra has lately refrained from attemping to flirt with Sabine the way he used to whenever he was around her, he might not have a crush on her anymore. New The Last Jedi Deleted Scene, Star Wars Rebels Says Goodbye, and More! During the battle Vader had Ezra pinned, about to cut his throat with his own lightsaber, until Kanan distracted Vader saving Ezra's life. Episode Hondo asks if they have a way of getting off this "thing." Rex counters that their turbolasers are no match for Thrawn's Star Destroyer. After catching up, Ahsoka was disturbed by Ezra's belief that he could save Kanan like he had saved her, but she convinced him to let Kanan go and honor his sacrifice. Sabine retorts that defeat is not part of their plan. When the boy had been knocked unconscious after attempting to fuse the two Holocrons, Hera deeply concerned for him. Meanwhile, Ketsu manages to unlock the door and lock down the comm system. Takes place right after S2 episode “A Princess on Lothal” Because Hera was in the middle of helping Ryder Azadi when the rest of the crew offered condolences to Ezra, and she surely comforted him later. During his training, Sidious took Maul to Malachor to bear witness to a great battle that occurred there between the Jedi and the Sith. Ezra charges at the Emperor's hologram, which flickers and reveals his true, scarred form underneath. Ezra counters that it is a bold plan while Sabine adds that it is a creative one. When Ahsoka sacrificed herself to give Ezra and Kanan more time to escape from Darth Vader, Ezra was devastated and mourned her loss for a long time afterward. She tells them that the best way to help Ezra is to get the shield up. 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