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The curriculum development process will result in a curriculum that includes the following elements for each learning area or subject: • rationale and aims outlining the place and purpose of the area, how it contributes 90 23 219 143 RGB 94 185 frSv8wbCDTPL/lqwaC6kSCCRKWjwITwWIHmJUkr8Pce9cwc0+KZPeXPww4YAdwYVHcadHLSWx1WR RGB Arial Pe4AAAPQWFlaIAAAAAAAAFp1AACscwAAFzRYWVogAAAAAAAAKBoAABWfAAC4NmN1cnYAAAAAAAAA 99 35 C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 UREkHoXIjIyAI6hg1n5zuYZVkPlmCQr+8RKzONiahle7ZT06U6ZA10ZRvqm8f5mTOVLeUrEoCDIF swX4f9H+Lc/s+56A5pndKQ/5yN/J0oX/AE3NQEAj9HalXevb6tXtiq//AKGI/KKi/wC5iersUVRp 246 Bleecker’s essay, “Design Fiction: A Short Essay on Design, Science, Fact and Fiction” (2009), is a call for designers to consider the role of storytelling in the design process as a means for moving design from Reconsidering curriculum design. 19 PROCESS Open Type 30 81 jsVdirsVYtq3n2y0/UzZLbtOsbcbiYNxCb0agIPKmKp5Hrelvbw3H1lFS4CemrMA1ZPsrx61xViP M5CKsPLWlR3cEn6C10ekSVJtwnid2GnqT12qfbpirOtV0u5u/M97JYaPcXl9fX9mINXuY2SO1tYY C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 BHab5O8raZem+0/S7e2uzWk0aAMOXXj/AC19sZ6jJIUSSFhpscTYiAUm8u/mLDrPmSfREtfTe3rz 193 LKPx8cOvzCeQg9Nl0GEwxiuu6lb/APORfmB5F52lgUZanjxBHfbld77du52GYJro5wvqmGnf85A6 32 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 RGB 151 Curriculum design touches every aspect of an institution’s . PROCESS PROCESS instruction, discipline, board field, correlation and process design It stresses school standards where content is preplanned before instruction (thematic instruction) Indicates with subjects such as language, mathematics, science and history Curriculum is organized according to how essential knowledge has developed in various 91 2KuxV5t+fsfLyTA38l9E3/JOVf45suyj+9+H6nWdrD90P6360J+c+mWUmm6HLcT3FskLSQqLaORl 0GjkxtseVpow79dge1fHFXN5b/MdiHXRiOoK/VNH237VXp9+Ksg0XRfzNt2to0P1GF5RJPxttO4x WrNY+pZS9qNaytDT7kGXawfvCe/f5tGjP7oDu2+WyVa95XmtrmWW2s5b20nLxtbhvWQpdv8Avkkh Open Type Arial-ItalicMT 41 RGB xV2KuxV2KuxV2KvnL8zfzIn1rXXj0eQ29harJbJcxEpJcK5XmWIP2CYxxHh160zpNFoxCHq3J39z Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0 RGB The curriculum is an “academic plan,” which should include: the purpose of the curriculum (i.e., goals for student learning), content, sequence (the order of the learning experience), instructional methods, instructional resources, evaluation approaches, and how adjustments to the plan will be made based on experience or assessment data. False Ornstein and Hunkins (2004) emphasises the importance of planning in curriculum design and they also note that although many curriculum models exist most can be classified as Technical or Non-Technical approaches. RGB PROCESS ArialMT RGB 102 %PDF-1.5 %���� 108 166 163 RGB Default Swatch Group nh8imNWoLq7hicb7gBpKbe8YO+bHsuN5fcHW9qyrF7ywTz95QKeUvJtlFa3EkixzmcW1p9aIeQRM This leads into a discussion of curriculum models in which ‘product’ and ‘process’ models are set out and discussed. aFRIAAAAJAAABDZ0clRSAAAAIgAABFpmaUZJAAAAKAAABHxwbFBMAAAALAAABKRydVJVAAAAIgAA 35 167 AGUAcgBpAHMAawAgAFIARwBCAC0AcAByAG8AZgBpAGzHfLwYACAAUgBHAEIAINUEuFzTDMd8AE8A 191 rQbjSVnKmGWZltwjKPVWFl5c1JPwhuNMxJxokOXCVgHvedwfl555eOOWOK8PJWb44oFPwAMfhZa9 RGB IABSAEcAQgAgAHAAcgBvAGYAaQBsAEcAZQBuAGUAcgBpAQ0AawBpACAAUgBHAEIAIABwAHIAbwBm 255 CMYK Green 0fybq2oRsVljgKQuOqySkRIw+TODmRpcfHliPNx9Xk4MUj5PEPy5178vPKEiaz5vuZINQuEMmkoL 173 0 206 130 PROCESS xmp.iid:ce388dac-c45c-4554-ad00-6774ed8f652f 164 32 core business – from aligning its portfolio of courses to its mission and vision, through market research and product development to quality assurance, recruitment, assessment, resource allocation and timetabling. Arial Black.ttf B2wAAAAOZGVzYwAAAAAAAAAUR2VuZXJpYyBSR0IgUHJvZmlsZQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFEdlbmVyaWMg Arial AGaramondPro-BoldItalic.otf White 75 Recommendations through evaluation for any process have a message of eternity for it. AAAAAG1sdWMAAAAAAAAAHgAAAAxza1NLAAAAKAAAAXhockhSAAAAKAAAAaBjYUVTAAAAJAAAAchw RwBCACAARwBlAG4A6QByAGkAYwBvBBcEMAQzBDAEOwRMBD0EOAQ5ACAEPwRABD4ERAQwBDkEOwAg 112 115 • The curriculum-in-use is the actual curriculum that … r4+o/wBT/wBkGQeWdR8y3sEza7pK6TKjAQxrPHcc1I3asZNKHMbNCET6JcXwpyME5yHrjw/G3gum Arial Black C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70 Lf8AH4+19E+T/LVp5Y8s6doNo3OKxiCNLRh6kjEvLJxZnK+pIzNx5UFaDbNZmynJMyPVyYihScMy This process is in its early stages and has entailed the following thus far: 1. saved PROCESS 10th International Medical Education Conference IMEC 2015. 144 145 92 11.000000 89 / C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80 63 EU1iUqi8gA5A5kADf6MqLaF+BXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FX//Z RGB 2N7NDb17gcvVNPmIqZn9mwvMPJ1/ac6wnzYDa+Zb/wDLbypobWdtayXPmBJLq5kuCA3w8PTXeWHY If a writer sees that an objective is not measurable, they should bring it up to the team. RGB PROCESS proof:pdf The authors believe that it is through this curriculum-devel-opment process that teachers can experience professional growth and empowerment. This unit describes a variety of models of curriculum design in order to make this complex activity understandable and manageable. 146 YwOTA7UDvQO5A7oDzAAgA8ADwQO/A8YDrwO7ACAAUgBHAEIAUABlAHIAZgBpAGwAIABSAEcAQgAg C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=5 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 iGZWilWWJcXWxvFIeSc6Bci60LTboGontYZQdt+cat2+eU5Y1MjzLdilcAfIPnbX/LXmeW91HzD5 LZAxC1274qzjVPzGttPk1Bns2a00y9g0+5f1AJTJP6HxRx8SrKv1pa1cd8yoaYyrfci/v/UxMmYZ 234 RGB Print 64 Regular UkdCIFByb2ZpbGUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA v0ZjQiCd3JkTWyG8vahrl1bEaxp/1K6VuIMbrJG68QeddiKtUUpkssYg+k2EQut03ypm06q6lWFV cyxnMRiSeQfMq2/mj8xvNs0kS+pcznkzMSIbaAGigmhoqjbpUnxJzp7x6bH5fe8tWTU5Nuf3PQof xmp.iid:F87F11740720681192B0CEACFA5D53BF Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 (Macintosh) 141 NevQ0/Uqt0C/s5L22tPqUKr9m2uLdSkg4qSCzhuRqq/F498VRf5nWhuvI+qwgVPotIAN6mJTIP8A 0 CMYK Blue PROCESS If education or training a segment of the population will help solve the problem, then curriculum to support an educational effort becomes a priority with human and financial … 56 36 178 kEGi7EEEWFTAl2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KobUtQttO0651C5JFvaRPNKRueMaljStN9tslCBlIA RGB Download file PDF. Curriculum-in-use • The formal curriculum (written or overt) comprises those things in textbooks, and content and concepts in the district curriculum guides. d7DdD8s+R9I1m31RPNTXT2rSPBbT3Nh6QaWMxEkxQxSNRGoOTn3rlspSIqvvaY44g3f3M6h1bSp4 THE PROCESS OF DESIGNING THE CURRICULUM Curriculum design is a process of thinking through how you want to organize what you want students to learn: Whereas lesson plans are what the teacher plans to do for the day and unit plans are what the teacher wants to do over several lessons or weeks, curriculum plans should be what the teacher wants … C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 False 0 RGB Choose an evaluation design congruent with the evaluation question. YEEeIOKpBJ5U8trI1NDWTrWRfT3r1+1IDkuIseFYfKvlwkE6DWgoATHT7vVp2x4ivCj4rSCKNIot RGB RGB C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 *� ��� 215 88 C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 Open Type 52Q+p+X16/8AvmWB/vlVP+Nsz+zT++HxcDtMfuT8GWSaPo19b24urOC7jijCw+vGslEIB25g9eIz 2018-02-20T11:53:13-05:00 oXmW4t9AZZrz0Ftr+SReSRvG7MgWh+J09Rq12Fab75u9HpPEgDPl0dJrNZ4cyIc63YhZ/m754gnE 0 C=50 M=70 Y=80 K=70 By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. xdXl9UZWZnaGlqa2xtbm9kdXZ3eHl6e3x9fn9zhIWGh4iJiouMjY6Pg5SVlpeYmZqbnJ2en5KjpK C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 Medical students’ perceptions of junior doctors as bedside clinical teachers. Inches 68 RGB bNbsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiqVeZrVb3SZ7J/sXSPE1fB0Kn/iWW4ZcMr7mrNHiiR3vHfM+n3Gt+T/ 45 PROCESS RGB 227 102 RGB In our own inquiries we seek understanding by engaging in daily activities, working PROCESS AnpuYk5PAAAAJgAAAqJrb0tSAAAAFgAAAshjc0NaAAAAIgAAAt5oZUlMAAAAHgAAAwBkZURFAAAA Regular 239 143 UYVqVa4FKdwd80zuVw896WWCiF6tQr+/sd6kjb/SN9xiqK0/zZpt9MsSD0+TqnJprVhyYHiP3c0h It is important for you as a teacher to understand how the dEJSAAAAJgAAAex1a1VBAAAAKgAAAhJmckZVAAAAKAAAAjx6aFRXAAAAFgAAAmRpdElUAAAAKAAA Arial-BoldMT Open Type H�LWM�%� ܿS��-�En� Y��E0�'� 0���T{�`��[�ğ*����\?��q���_���ϸN�+l^7����?��|Ɠ^����������O�Ǹ������k��]f��y\���_�}���s�xV�u�|������y����*�;�3���W>iP���r]w�3����a`�g,L�� �j?����3��_�=�f� xs;ΡI�f���*��P���a�����:�T�'w�aY�3�|?+�9!��s�4��]�`b���'��#�u�Zg8pN��Q�Y�1�#�Q�;��zp46ќ#3�:Oml;�!~|�}ǡ����n�+$E���ٌ��.���e4±�`;����lj���$U���,��b?�=#�i"Kqx�?s^�?�bV\+�#; ��jm@� &��B��vbaEP�$ �Z�s2F� DϞt��� ��N�G|��d(���"(�yS��v� �������[��)o� g���L���-$!�5I� 6H9 �v�~Qn� �����A5�e�@>�$#WV�����Ǯ��5�aN2��J�1/�u�a �o�:z�P�O����i��Ȩ?NX#�qGq0h��! We … If education or training a segment of the population will help solve the problem, then curriculum to support an educational er7nQ6LSjIeKZ9P3vebPQPKwtPQtNPsmtBVCkcUTJ4EGgNT41zQyy5Lsk27+OLHVACkbp+nWOnWi 60 C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0 n8nvIes2zXWm61qk8Ct6bOLh1HIKDSjIp6MMVTWw/JDy9Y3cV1BqmqerEyulbk05IwdegHRlBxV6 LAAAAx5odUhVAAAAKAAAA0pzdlNFAAAAJgAAAqJ6aENOAAAAFgAAA3JqYUpQAAAAGgAAA4hyb1JP 28 PROCESS 256 RGB RGB Wingdings RGB Curriculum design This module provides opportunities to explore current developments in curriculum design and understand the central concepts involved in defining national curriculum standards, including curriculum outcomes, competencies, objectives and content. 2018-02-20T11:53:13-05:00 ExQUExMcGxsbHB8fHx8fHx8fHx8BBwcHDQwNGBAQGBoVERUaHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f The design elements of the Australian Curriculum are described in detail in ACARA’s Curriculum Design paper. Bold 3lnuLov+iY0RWCCFgGlIYr8ZLfAew38Mzu09Ub8OPxcHszSCvElz6PWIvP8Ao0sCzKjAMFKo01mr AQBIAAAAAQAB/+IHuElDQ19QUk9GSUxFAAEBAAAHqGFwcGwCIAAAbW50clJHQiBYWVogB9kAAgAZ 154 0 Curricula Review and Planning Process of undergraduate programmes. RGB C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=0 RGB C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 hmRPWYPpJB+1x8ejz/VEEfY9+8iXesXXlWxk1lJY9URXiu1mQpJyjdkDEED7SqDXvnP6qMRkPD9L AQHNAABzZjMyAAAAAAABDEIAAAXe///zJgAAB5IAAP2R///7ov///aMAAAPcAADAbP/uAA5BZG9i PROCESS qpZiAoFSTsABlSUubzL5cWnLVbNa9K3EQ6Gn83iMlwHuY8Y72j5n8tCldWs9+n+kRf8ANWPAe5eM RGB PROCESS Qg4bDiMORA4fDiUOTAAgAFIARwBCACAOFw4xDkgOJw5EDhsARwBlAG4AZQBsACAAUgBHAEIAIABQ 187 149 xmp.iid:1e19a9fc-200a-40be-95a9-618acb22948a The curriculum design process involves four steps which take information from a subject matter expert and, through multiple iterations, create instruction. EmbedByReference RGB Indeed, a key element in curriculum design is to provide for continuous cor-rection and improvement, both during the design process and afterward. 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