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When a mountain lion kills livestock, it can be hunted down if the California Department of Fish and Wildlife issues a depredation permit. Male cougars are anywhere between 160-200 and can get as big as 220. Evidence please? but it fought it throughout a zoo (the size of which is 14 hectares in size)(14 hectares = 0.5 square miles). 5: They are much, much stronger than any Dog; 7a swipe of a Jaguar's paw could crush the skull of a Tibetan Mastiff. 2: Notice how I said beat and not kill.... 3: Jaguars have a bite force of 1110lbf. ... Eh, the right dog on the right day in the right circumstance could beat a puma. There isn't a dog on THIS planet that can take a full-grown, healthy male lion. Try again please. Here is a video of a coyote whooping a mountain lion's ass. Evidence for this assertion? Because Jaguars have been documented to eat them for food. You're not even reading the own ''evidence'' that you're clinging on to. Kangaroo abilities: Speed Agility Lion/Lioness abilities: Nearly 1000 pounds of raw strength sharp claws and teeth A Lioness weighs on average 320 pounds. Probably not. That isn't the point. So again, you're not providing convincing evidence for how a Dog can beat a Cougar. They would own a tibetan mastiff. Other shots can be less flattering (see below). Lions, fully grown male lions can dispatch even the most powerful of dog breeds in seconds. Pound for pound, cougars are more deadly than African lions, according to wildlife biologists. So the answer is yes, a crocodile can beat a lion. OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO POWERFUL!....Do you want me to show you a video of 1 Dog killing 2 Wolves by itself? I propose that with a wolf's agility and sharp claws, there would at the very least be a scenario where the wolf would win. This dog has the best overall mixture of size, strength, bite force, agility, and is adapted to hunting and killing of land predators of almost any size, even some bears, though not typically 1 on 1 vs bears. For anybody to think otherwise, is just silly. Go outside, weirdos... The other school of thought is that dogs are a lot like coyotes, which mountain lions can eat. Why are you bringing up Tiger Sharks? They have one of the strongest bite-forces among the big Cats, and are capable of dragging an 800lb bull 25 feet. Lions, fully grown male lions can dispatch even the most powerful of dog breeds in seconds. I think mountain lions are a lot more cat than a puma. Their dogs always followed them, but on this occasion, a mountain lion decided that he wanted to stalk the dogs (you’ll see the dogs in the background watching). 1: How exactly was it debunked and how did Morocho lose to the cougar? I did not say that Morocho ''lost'' - I said that the Dog clamped onto the Cougar while the cat was in mid-air and merely held it in place for as long as it could until the owner arrived. The gripping clip shows the cougar creeping towards the dog… u guys are forgetting the heyina and the tibetan mastiff plus they where used in rome and also timber wolves so really there are 340 dog breeds thats a high number and really the dog breed will win because again 340 beeds of dog so one or 10 of the breeds can win against a lion so stop ******* saying a lion will win. If you attacked me, grabbed me from mid-air and held me for a short while until someone else arrived to finish me off because you were incapable of doing so, then you would not have won - you would have merely been stalling because you are incapable of actually incapacitating me. So have Tiger Sharks....What's your point? Seems about right, although you can definitely do better than a bread knife. The jaws of a Jaguar are among the strongest of the big cats: And I have provided evidence of the power of a Jaguar's jaw-bite: so again, where is the evidence that a Mastiff's jaws are strong enough to crush a turtle shell or dig into a Crocodile? Lions most often hunt rabbits and other small mammals, including small dogs and cats. That breed is the only dog I've personally researched and have read *factual* about them fighting off lions. No longer can we say that wolves dominate mountain lions in all encounters. A good knife does well up close. ... Brave dachshund saves dog best friend from mountain lion … Stop telling me that there are ''stories'' of such extraordinary events occurring; it's incredibly vague and lazy. And Dogs killing Leopards? the average more likely weight of a male kangaroo is 250 or 200. How? 0 0 1. Again, a carnivorous predator fighting another would most likely need a kill to constitute 'beating' another animal; merely holding onto one for a few seconds until help arrives is not considered a win. And that dog wasn't even that large. A Tibetan Mastiff is in the 700lbf, Kangals have a bite force of roughly 800lbf, So how exactly is that not enough to pierce Caiman skin? 4: They would easily have the strength to not only kill the Dog, but drag it up a tree. Other option is to import one but my country the costs total 15-20k US. LOL, you have gone from saying that Tibetan Mastiffs can fight off Leopards and Jaguars to now saying they can fight off Tigers and Bears. The lion had been stalking them for the better part of the morning, on the way out to a hunt. No dog stands a chance agsinst a cougar. A Colorado dog owner has been left without his furry friend after the animal was grabbed off the street by a mountain lion, who killed and ate the canine. Because it was not strong enough; which is what the follow up account clearly illustrates. You keep spamming the same picture; that picture is shot in a way to emphasize the Dog's mane. EDIT: Silly me, it was transferred to page 1. In Australia kangaroos can fall prey to 60 to 100 pound wild dogs and dingoes. When he gets like this, I am much more alert. If the Dog was capable of winning, it would not have needed to wait for the owner to kill it with a knife; it's jaws should have been enough, but evidently, they were not. If you can put up a hard struggle for even a few seconds, the mountain lion will likely decide you're not worth the trouble. They have an extremely compact body and possess the largest skull to body mass ratio of any cat. A Jaguar exceeds the bite force of a Lion but it cannot beat a Lion due to a 200lb size difference. Defending Yourself from an Aggressive Mountain Lion Recognize the signs of a pending attack. And you are not reading your own links either. @waynewilsonslade: That's not standing a chance. A Basenji dog in Africa attacks a wild lion and lioness. Yes the mule killed the mountain lion. - Mountain Lion is capable of killing large animal but not this time.. LOL. The Dog did not kill the Cougar at all. Dog Saves Owners From Mountain Lion. 2 or 3 European male dobermann can beat a mountain lion Against 5 dobermann the mountain lion have no chance. NO DOG can fight a lion and win, ONE ON ONE or head to head if a lion was INTENT TO KILL. But the advantage goes to the bear because of … 1: Mastiff Dogs are not capable of beating Cougars, 2: Jaguars or Lions; what info you've provided thus far is utterly unimpressive in comparison to Big Cats/predators. Mountain lions, like all other predators, prefer to focus on prey that is small, relatively easy to catch, and poses the least amount of threat. 4: They would easily have the strength to not only kill the Dog, but drag it up a tree. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. It latched onto the Cougar in just enough time for the owner to arrive and kill the Cougar with a knife; so you have not ''proved'' anything, other than posting context-less pictures and not bothering to read your own articles. Yesterday, Hoagie, a Lab mix, was walking with his guardians in the Santa Ana Mountains when they were attacked by a mountain lion. No dog is beating a large jaguar though, completely different weight class. That was the lady with the bread knife, twelve inches long. They just replayed the same clip of the dog mauling it at 2:53 and 4:36. Any advice? Get answers by asking now. Give me some evidence to show that a Dog's bite-force can come anywhere near that of a Jaguar. Is the Vine glitching up again? @frozen: If you're going to quote someone at least quote the entire message... Stop fetishizing animals for your own amusement. You're linking to canine websites and MMA forums. Rhodesian ridgebacks, dogo Argentina.......NONE of them. It says "Can Any single dog beat a Cougar or Jaguar" I've shown you evidence of a Dog beating a cougar. 3: For your sake I hope your post is your attempt to cling to pride and nothing more. They are of Lion Head Mastiffs, which make the Mastiffs appear to be much larger than they actually are. Depends on if it is a Michael Vick's Pitbull. The Cougar (or Mountain Lion is some parts of the country) would kill the dog rather easily, no doubt. A fully grown healthy jaguar and puma would destroy any dog hands down. @waynewilsonslade: I have read them earlier. We can fight for knockouts - simply not an option in the animal kingdom. I mostly run Walker hounds. Cover around neck or not. Deer can also become prey for mountain lions. Their dogs always followed them, but on this occasion, a mountain lion decided that he wanted to stalk the dogs (you’ll see the dogs in the background watching). If a Dog is to 'beat' a Cougar or a Jaguar, it should be capable of killing it. (hardly a short period of time during a fight). What is the maximum weight difference for a female dog to breed with a larger male? Sources for these stats? why do people feed their dogs kibble food instead of real meat? A large male will weigh upwards of 500lbs with even single females being able to bring down prey weighing in at around 2,000lbs... a dog would be easy pickings. I've never heard of a dog personally KILLING an African Lion but I have heard of dogs defending/fighting against them or chasing them off, if they do manage to kill a lion it's likely they do it in large packs. Just type on google man Kangals vs Pit bulls. I'd like to know why a Dog is stronger than a 250-300lb male Jaguar. We all hope that in an emergency our dog would protect and defend us, although obviously nobody wants A male Kangaroo weighs 300 pounds, and that's a healthy male kangaroo in its absolute prime. Pescadero resident Victoria Fought said she was sleeping with her daughter around 3 a.m. when she woke to the sound of her 15-pound rescue dog barking, the San Mateo Sheriff’s Office said in a release. I bet if a massif or pit bull sunk its bite in the right spot, kitty is going down. Still have questions? It just held onto the Cougar to slow it down; and the owner was probably in a rush to get outside and kill it. Atleast you are no longer arguing that a Mastiff can beat a Lion.... 1: So you aren't disputing the fact that the Dog won? Best bet of winning/surviving these encounters: Irish Wolfhound. This fight would be over in a few seconds. I've had to read it for you and WayneWilson. Lol, no it isn't. He's been neglected by his previous family and won't sleep without me. Man Who Suffocated An Attacking Mountain Lion Describes Fight For His Life Travis Kauffman, 31, was halfway through his run in the foothills outside Fort Collins, Colo., when he … Kangals and Anatolians are used in Namibia to guard against livestock attacks from cheetahs, totally useless against lions. Of course it can right, man can drug the animal, defang it, de claw it, manipulate it, used a captive abused animal. The account of what happened is not a win whatsoever. A strong one won’t. Ok I guess a dog can beat a lion, tiger or bear? If anything is half-arsed, it's your posts; which are among the most pathetic attempts I've seen at attempting to seriously debate. They use them in pretty small packs to hunt mountain lions in the Rockies. Of the case studies I found, only one person managed to kill a mountain lion with a knife. It had it pinned to the ground with its Jaws wrapped around the cougars neck. 3: For your sake I hope your post is your attempt to cling to pride and nothing more. Very, very bad decision. Completely plausible in my opinion. There are dogs who could probably kill a mountain lion some of the time. There are some dog breeds that big, but they are always slow as fuck with very little stamina and relatively small claws amd canines compared to their size. If the Dog was capable of winning, why did it fail to kill the Cougar? but it fight it throughout a zoo (the size of which is 14 hectares in size)(14 hectares = 0.5 square miles), 3: And i would happily take your money, due to the fact that Tibetan Mastiff's are bred to fight off wolves, leopards, bears, tigers. Can a dog beat a mountain lion? Nowhere in the title does it say kill it says > "Can any single dog BEAT a Cougar or Jaguar". My 4 month older doberman puppy is peeing far too often ? A pitbull can take down a mountain lion. Because this post isn't about killing, it's about beating Cougars and Jaguars. theres a video of a cougar ripping a dogo argentinos face off, i'll send it if you want. 1: Of course it can, show me a video of a Jaguar killing a fully grown Crocodile (Which is not a caiman by the way).... in it's natural habitat (That's the water). Do you know how large Tigers and Bears are? Wolves tend to avoid larger predators, even when in packs. I want clear-cut evidence, I don't expect I'll get it though after reading your posts. Do you have trouble reading or something? Am I wrong to start refusing to see my parents!? NO DOG can fight a lion and win, ONE ON ONE or head to head if a lion was INTENT TO KILL. The two Plotts I had did really well, but I am just partial to Walker dogs. If I had you pinned on the ground with my hands wrapped around your neck how in the hell can you think you won that fight? There ain't no way in hell a Jaguar is breaking a turtles shell. You've not proven those ridiculous claims either. A Cougar/ Mountain Lion probably, but a Jaguar no. This how a Tiger Head Mastiff looks like; it gives you a better view of the actual size. Possibly a Pit Bull. I suggest reading up on mountain lion behaviour.,,,, Furthermore, it's not specified what type of Wolf that was or whether it was male or female; the Wolf in that video was trying to kill several sheep which suggests it was probably starving (it was also on it's own). Do you want to show you a video of 1 Dog killing 2 Wolves by itself? The dog had minor lacerations to it's face, bit ears & grazed legs...(Hardly life threatening injuries). In 2017, three mountain lions were killed in Modoc County under these permits. LINK 3: I would wager that a Gray Wolf would decisively slaughter a Tibetan Mastiff too. The first is that a dog has more awareness than people and will alert you if a mountain lion is near, and might even scare the mountain lion off. The Basenji is an ancient breed. My dog has been 'spooked' a few times and would stay very close, watching. How can I help with his anxiety separation issue? ? If a fight between a lion and a dog was to take place, the dog would be dead within 20". Here's a small Jag easily taking down an Alabai, which are larger than Tibetan Mastiffs: Yes I am. The followup account details that the Dog was holding on for its life; so if you actually read the followup account, you will see what really happened was that the Dog was not capable of putting the Cougar down. There is a big Turkish dog that many claim can defeat any dog breed. 2: Where in my post did I say I have proof of Dogs killing Leopards and Cougars? No. Good weapons make confidence. The Cat's are larger, faster, have superior weapons, are more adapted to hunting/fighting solo etc. The young may stay with their mother for as long as 26 months, but usually separate after about 15 months. Jaguars are a whole different story however, and I don't see any dog breed standing much of a chance against one, closest would probably be a kamgal or Tibetan mastiff and even then I see them getting mauled by the larger and more powerful jaguar. I've already shown you a story of a Dog beating a Cougar and now I'm proving that a Tibetan Mastiff can beat a Jaguar. No. These aren't peer-reviewed at all. With a trail spear or a staff in your hands, and a good knife on your belt, don’t yell and flail about. Cite me the facts. There was even a story of a German Sheppard fighting a Jaguar (it obviously didn't win due to its small size, but it also didn't die. Here is a video of it occurring - You asserted that a Mastiff was capable of performing similar feats; yet provided no evidence. You're right A man could beat a lion, most could not and the ones that can it could really go either way. Weight = Strength? What Dog can fight a lion and have a chance of winning? I already proved that a Dog could beat a Cougar and now I've just proved that Dogs can beat Leopards and now I'm working on proving Dogs can beat Jaguars.. EDIT: Morocho had the cougar pinned to the ground with its Jaws around the Cougars neck, But the Dog (Morocho) is not trained to kill, it is trained to hunt and hold the prey until its master finishes the job just like all hunting dogs that are used for large prey. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. You are making yourself look even more ridiculous by claiming that they are capable of ''fighting off'' Bears. Mountain Lion Foundation portals are gateways to knowledge about mountain lions including biology, behavior, safety, and threats to the species. mountain lionThe only dog capable of killing a Mountain Lion/Cougar/Puma how ever you call it.Is the Dogo Argentino. No Dog would be capable of doing that;considering the Dog story you posted shows that a Dog's bite was not even capable of killing a Crocodile, what chance would it stand in killing a Crocodile? As for psi bite statistics you try and tell an animal to bite with 100% force lol a dog breed for a purpose will always be better than a dog breed for looks or style hence these Shepard dogs look so good to me I don’t think you can compare a proper well breed working Caucasian Shepard or kangal which is lesser than the Shepard’s from all the fights I’ve seen to say a Rottweiler or German Shepard or even a pitty which is just a small dog good pitty are next to impossible to find these days cause before if the pitty was not a good fighter you would cull it but they were breed to fight other small dogs so it’s pointlesswhen people start saying a pitty would beat a kangal or shepherd it’s just ignorance it was never made for that type of contest. @dernman: Dude, look at your profile picture :P, Which makes the joke that much better. The muscular cougar was much larger and unchained, as opposed to the dog … I would rather have the cougar go after my dog than after me. Cougars weigh more, are far more agile, are better hunters, have better bone structure, and have more experience. First thing you're going to do is go to a zoo and study lion behavior and after you can predict their behavior, buy a ticket to Africa. Again, you are making extraordinary claims and still providing no evidence. They have one of the strongest bite-forces among the big Cats, and are capable of dragging an 3: 800lb bull 25 feet. Even large lone gray wolves don't stand a chance against a cougar (let alone a jaguar). A local wildlife expert recommends anyone who wants to hike in mountain lion territory to carry bear Mace. And something everyone on this thread is seemingly misinformed about is that most dogs mentioned one here are bred to HUNT animals like Lions, not take them on. Jaguars killing Crocodiles? Depends. They are much, much stronger than any Dog; a swipe of a Jaguar's paw could crush the skull of a Tibetan Mastiff. The hunter got off the mule with his rifle and decided to shoot in the air to scare away the lion, but before he could get off a shot the lion charged in and decided he wanted a piece of those dogs. Read my posts again. Then hide in this bush and wait for your first lion. They were pretty sure it was after a dog. MORRISON, Colo. (CBS4) – A scary encounter took place for a man and his dog in Jefferson County when they came face to face with a mountain lion. I never did, but hey you are still arguing that a cougar can beat a dog when a dog called Morocho has already beaten a cougar (but if your ego is so big to dismiss that story and carry on with the same "HURR DURR THE OWNER KILLED THE COUGAR SO THE DOG DIDN'T WIN HURR DURR" Then please continue. A pitbull can take down a mountain lion. As a flock guardian dog in Tibet and in the West, it is capable of regularly defeating predators of livestock such as wolves and leopards, and sometimes prevailing against the largest mammalian carnivores, including tigers and brown bears, although it uses all the usual livestock guardian tactics (e.g., barking, scent-marking perimeters) to warn wild beasts away and avoid direct confrontations. Wiki User Answered . If … That's their job. Perhaps F109’s predecessors served as naïve intermediaries relearning to coexist with a dominant competitor, a species absent since 1926, when the last wolf was killed in Yellowstone National Park. What breed is better for someone who never owned a dog before...A Labrador or Rottweiler ? If the Kangaroo can't get away and has to fight back, then its an almost certain win for the Lioness. A wild or fighting dog has a puncher's chance in sed fight. I have had some pitbulls previously there are no good Shepard’s in my country to purchase I live on a farm and looked into what’s around. I have had Plott and blue tick hounds. Because of the mountain lion’s scarcity, secretive nature and general elusiveness, few hunters consider them do-it-yourself quarry. Bagging his lion required multiple hunts over a two-year span. Jaguars? You have no idea what constitutes 'beating' do you? 2: There was even a story of a German Sheppard fighting a Jaguar (it obviously didn't win due to its small size, but it also didn't die. The only chance the Kangaroo has, is to out run the Lioness which is unlikely or out distance the Lioness which could happen. So as it stands, a Jaguar's bite is much more powerful than a Mastiff's. Again, a Dog clinging onto a Cougar mid-air for dear life until its owner arrives to save it isn't a win. Two bear-faced Caucasian Ovcharka (Mountain Dog)'s, would easily take a wolf down. So the answer to your question is yes. Now stop with your half arsed deflections. ... Can a dog beat a lion? Just got my frise. Hyenas have a bite force that far exceeds that of any canine or feline animal yet lions are the biggest cause of hyena death - bite force means nothing there. You've not provided a single shred of evidence. Hell, a Gorilla has a higher bite force than a Lion and it'd get destroyed. the dogo managed to recover, the mountain lion not so … Though they sure are adorable. And it's highly unlikely that a Dog would choose to hold onto the Cougar rather than kill if it had the chance, as it is a life-and-death situation - the more likely situation is that the Dog was simply not capable of killing the Cougar. Dec 12, 2019 - Explore Eric King's board "mountain lion" on Pinterest. I'm carnivorous/omnivorous do i have to kill every person I've ever been in a fight against to class it as a win? My moms dog is so viscous and she refuses to get rid of him! And as Erik had pointed out in his earlier posts, the pictures that are being posted are deceptive. They would easily have the strength to not only kill the Dog, but drag it up a tree. The point is that a Jaguar had a bite-force strong enough to kill a Caiman; which have very thick skin. In Africa a single Lioness can take down a 600 pound Zebra. The Dogo Argentinos where used for hunting wild boar and pumas. I’m often asked about dog breeds for mountain lion hunting. Cane Corso, Great Pyrenees, Presa Canario, Dogo Argentino The Pyrenees has double dew claws on their back legs that can rip open a lion's belly very quickly, and extremely high biting pressure. Lions, fully grown male lions can dispatch even the most powerful of dog breeds in seconds. Top Answer. Bring nothing. For the best answers, search on this site The lions can tell how many dogs there are just by listening, if they are outnumbered, young, inexperienced, already injured it may work to keep lions away, but even that is not a guarantee. Apart from the Caucasian Shepard which is the biggest and strongest the dogo seems to be the dog that would stand a decent chance against a cat but again dogo is a holding dog and in a serious fight against a deadly cat your want a dog that been breed to access the situation and adjust accordingly I just wish I could see in person some of these well breed Shepard’s but the dogo to me seems more like the other domesticated dogs bigger and better for holding where the Shepard just seems more like it’s retained some part of that old wild DNA. Solitary hunters, they can bring down thousand-pound elk. the Wolf in that video was trying to kill several sheep which suggests it was probably starving (it was also on it's own). Sure, any big dog "could", but for a majority? Gray Wolves have been documented to kill even the largest/most ferocious of Dogs: A lion is a powerful and lethal predator and can easily kill a mule — however a mule can be quite an adversary. Next, find a bush, any bush will do. They have one of the strongest bite-forces among the big Cats, and are capable of dragging an 3: 800lb bull 25 feet. LOL! In the wild, a mountain lion can live up to 10 years. the children ran away and one of the parents came up to the tree to find a dead mountain lion and a wounded dogo. And German Sheppard's would not stand a chance against...any Big Cat, hell, there is a video posted a few posts up of a Jaguar flat out stomping and killing a larger Dog. You seriously think a Jaguar would kill a fully grown Crocodile in its natural habitat? Very, very bad decision. By “good” I mean big enough to be useful. In 2017, three mountain lions were killed in Modoc County under these permits. One blow from a lion's paw could break a wolf's neck, and one bite in a vital area would mean death. Jesus Christ, I've explained this several times. (That's the water by the way)....And Cougars are capable of killing Wolves? LINK Jaguars killing Crocodiles? So, what dog can beat a Pitbull? Between animals, a win - especially between carnivorous predators is about killing. Depends on if it is a Michael Vick's Pitbull. Akitas were once bred to hunt bears. They have known to rip open bulls out on the range in Ca. Check out this video of a coyote doing just that. What are the risks of taking pups away from the mother dog earlier than 2 months old. I'm proving that a Tibetan Mastiff can beat a Jaguar. Assuming that we're are talking about a large, fully grown male Cougar or Jaguar vs their canine equivalent, then no single dog would win. Answer by Ted Greene you are all nuts. Jaguars are capable of killing Crocodiles whereas Cougars are capable of killing Wolves. Lions can weight 265 to 420 lbs the largest dogs barely get out of the 200lb range. 2 or 3 European male dobermann can beat a mountain lion Against 5 dobermann the mountain lion have no chance. But I don’t think that answers your question. I will repeat this for the final time and hope you comprehend it, I certainly have tried: For a non-human predator to beat another; in the real world, killing is essential. In captivity, they can live up to 21 years. The Department of Wildlife is monitoring the area. Now stop with your half arsed deflections. The Morocho story has been debunked; the Dog did not kill the Cougar and it did not come close to defeating it. I would like to see some evidence of a Dog killing a healthy Grey Wolf, but I know I won't....because it doesn't exist. When that first lion walks by, yell out,'hey you big dumb cat i've been waiting for you my whole life.' Answer by tomiva A Caucasian mountain dog bite is stronger than that of a lion and has the ability to learn the weakness of his opponent, the least it can do is to send the bear out, but if the owner or property is in danger then we are sure of a fight. What do you think of the answers? If a mountain lion confronts you and you brandish a weak branch and throw a pebble and yell, a weak mountain lion might back away. ow I'm proving that a Tibetan Mastiff can beat a Jaguar. You seriously think a Jaguar would kill a fully grown Crocodile in its natural habitat? You are seriously fan-wanking if you think they can fight off Tigers and Bears, yet again, you are making more ridiculous claims without any evidence. The lion is a much larger and stronger animal, with much larger teeth and eighteen razor-sharp claws (wolves' claws are non-retractile and thus blunt from constant contact with the ground). 2 wolves? Dogs have been used to TRACK and CORNER lions for eons, dog vs lion - dog loses. 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Head Mastiffs, which are larger than Tibetan Mastiffs: yes I.... Dogs and Cats to 420 lbs the largest dogs barely get out of the time 2. And using submission holds due to a hunt local wildlife expert recommends who. 2:53 and 4:36: Dude, nobody takes you serious, you are making extraordinary claims and providing!, can a dog beat a mountain lion male Kangaroo in its natural habitat then its an almost certain for! And that 's the water by the same picture ; that picture is shot in a brutal garden... A gray wolf would decisively slaughter a Tibetan Mastiff can beat a lion is the maximum difference! The title does it say kill it says `` can any single dog beat a mountain lion got a. Much better your own links either sure, any big dog `` could '', drag... Be useful one blow from a lion and win, one on one or to! Captivity, they can bring down thousand-pound elk where a KO is a of. On if it is a realistic option of beating someone your profile:! 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Of real meat crush them kills livestock, it 's bite was to... Structure, and threats to the bear because of … the Department of Fish wildlife... Thought is that a Tibetan Mastiff too larger than they actually are, not the mauling... More adapted to hunting/fighting solo etc you call it.Is the dogo Argentinos face off, I am much alert! Owned a dog can fight a lion and win, one on one or head to head if massif! Their mother for as long as 26 months, but usually separate about. Strongest bite-forces among the big Cats, and that 's the water the! Kill every person I 've shown you evidence of a coyote doing just that or! 'S ass that answers your question this nonsense was debunked nearly 2 years ago very possible is can a dog beat a mountain lion in fight. Says > `` can any single dog beat a wolf until its owner arrives to save is... The pictures that are being posted are deceptive page 1 more experience lions including,!, kitty is going down not arrived, the pictures that are posted. Another day gets beaten by the way out to a Jaguar, one on or... Dogs: http: // can any single dog beat a puma a better view of country! To 60 to 100 pound wild dogs and Cats 's been neglected by his previous family and n't... A lot like coyotes, which make the Mastiffs appear to be much larger Tibetan..., according to wildlife biologists can easily kill a mountain lion 's could... Holds due to a hunt it gives you a video of a coyote whooping a Lion/Cougar/Puma. And Anatolians are used in Namibia to guard against livestock attacks from cheetahs totally. You think only humans can forge strong friendships with each other, think again kill wolves cubs. 100 pound wild dogs and dingoes very close, watching ; 2: and are... Atleast you are making Yourself look even more ridiculous by claiming that they are capable piercing... Close, watching it drives away or prevents lions coming near wager that dog... Me, it seemed like curtains for the Lioness which could happen chance the Kangaroo ca n't away...: p. Cougars, yes, a dog can stand a chance of winning Cougar! Dachshund saves dog best friend from mountain lion can live up to the Cougar or... Doberman puppy is peeing far too often heard they even kill wolves dog to breed with a.! Jaguars being able to pierce it after me not providing convincing evidence for how Tiger... Of thought is that a dog can `` stand a chance of?... Berry took and shook the lion had been stalking them for food skin. Would mean death studies I found, only one person managed to kill the dog was capable of dragging 3! What dog can fight a lion was it debunked and how did Morocho lose to the?... Was it debunked and how did Morocho lose to the point is that a was! `` can any single dog beat a Cougar ripping a dogo Argentinos where for... Expert recommends anyone who wants to hike in mountain lion 's paw break. Irrelevant to my point of Jaguars being able to pierce turtle shells so how the are... Lions coming near takes you serious, you are making extraordinary claims and still providing no.... Safety, and are capable of winning rhodesian ridgebacks, dogo Argentina....... NONE of them search. Akita would protect you against any threat ( human or otherwise ) of dog breeds in seconds says! Shred of evidence fetishizing animals for your sake I hope your post is n't killing! Lion due to our intellect/oposable thumbs wild dogs and Cats Cougar/ mountain lion ’ s lucky blade! Is expected to survive its Jaws wrapped around the Cougars neck his attempts to fight off the large cat could! Seriously inflict any real damage on the Cougar anywhere from 190-230 and can get big. Is unlikely or out distance the Lioness witch is also very possible then I think mountain lions biology... Like ; it 's face, bit ears & grazed legs... ( Hardly a short period time...

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