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Have you ever found yourself sitting with a person and their chart, having identified the issues, challenges and problems, illumined the shadow areas, uncovered the projections, and still wondering what on earth can be done about it? PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Ovary and womb disorders, menstruation problems, prostate problems, cystitis, constipation with haemorrhoids. [9], THE TWELVE HEALERS AND ASTROLOGICAL CORRELATIONS, we are currently updating the table. First Iâd like to tell you a little about myself and my work with the Bach Flower Remedies. 2. White, Ian., Australian Bush Flower Essences (Bantam Books, Sydney, New York, London, 1991). FLOWER REMEDIES: Walnut, Star of Bethlehem, Water Violet, Chamomile, Dill, Red Clover, Scotch Broom, Quaking Grass, Dandelion, Vervain. When Dr Bach began his search for the first twelve healing remedies, he knew what he was looking for. Flower Remedies – Sunflower, Wild Oat, Larch, THE MOON – Insufficient nurturing, new mothers (pregnancy, birth, lactation), babies, emotional neediness, insecurity, rejection, wounded child, mother issues, childhood trauma, abandonment, eating disorders (Bach) cit. Ego imbalances (too little or too much), creative blockages, self esteem problems. There is evidence that a number of traditional cultures, including the Egyptian, Malay, African and Aboriginal Australian, have used flowers in healing. Astrologically, a preponderance of planets in fixed or earth signs may reinforce this. (Bach) Over-sensitivity to the emotional energies of others. Flower essences are a self-help tool par extraordinaire – they do not require a healer, guru or astrologer-priest to fix us or to tell us what to do with our lives. They were discovered and formulated in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach and are a simple and natural method of healing through the use of wild flowers. (Bach) The essence of true healing is not simply to remove physical suffering; it is to assist the person to come to terms with the cause of the illness, on all levels of the vertical plane, and to understand the significance of the illness as a result. – Deconstructing the Roots of Astrological Meaning, Codswallop Detector & Critique of Impure Reason, The Philosophy of Science and its Implications for Astrology, An Archaic Astrology Cast Adrift in a Post-Modern World, The Repression of the Feminine in Astrology, Brave New World – Forward into the Fifties. Still others find a new sense of purpose in life, or experience an increase in perspective or mental clarity after a period of confusion. STERILIZE: 1. FLOWER REMEDIES: Vine, Borage, Sunflower, Nasturtium, Dandelion, Vervain, Squash, Zinnia, Iris. I am learning something new from every experience. I see astrology and healing as inextricably linked. KEYWORDS FOR SCLERANTHUS REMEDY: Little, Brenda., Health and the Zodiac (Reed Books, Australia, 1987) This kind of focus has led me to seek practical healing tools or remedies which can meld with this ‘transformational’ approach, catalysts for change which can help to balance, harmonize, soothe and resolve the conflicts and dilemmas so well described by the horoscope. Virgo energy is fantastic with details and known for their practical viewpoint. We take them and we often know within ourselves what it is we must do. This discovery came to him suddenly one evening during a banquet, in what sounds reminiscent of a Uranian flash of inspiration. Both the philosophy of flower essence healing and clinical observation of the effects of taking the remedies suggest that they appear to help us to flow more with our lives, to attune more to our inner voice, and perhaps ultimately to facilitate a more conscious participation in the unfolding of our own destinies, as co-creators with The Great Spirit. 24, No. AFFIRMATIONS FOR IMPATIENS: Astrologically, the Moon relates to instinctual responses, habit patterns, emotional makeup and the past. How could s/he use or heal that troublesome square or opposition? The principle of healing here is that the essences selected are designed to enhance the positive qualities of the sign or astrological energy, and to moderate, soften or transform the negative qualities. They assist us to open our hearts and be ourselves. There is no âcureâ for Pluto transits; you evolve on through them. They are made by floating flowers in water, which are then left for hours in the sun, allowing all of the energy and positive attributes of the flowers to transfer to the body of water. AFFIRMATIONS FOR SUNFLOWER: I use my ego as an instrument to reveal my Higher Self. Also known as flower remedies, these gentle, natural healing catalysts can support people in releasing longstanding emotional blocks and finding new ways to perceive and respond to lifeâs challengesâan⦠They include a number of familiar herbs, like yarrow, borage, sage, rosemary, garlic, dill, dandelion and familiar plants, like sunflower, fuchsia, forget-me-not, calendula, iris, and blackberry. These are liquid extracts of flowers and are referred to as a ‘vibrational’ remedy, for they contain no scientifically detectable material substance, but a principle which some have likened to the life force of the flower. An astrologer would indeed be a fool to do that. AFFIRMATIONS FOR WHITE CHESTNUT: Flower Remedies – Crab Apple, Borage, Holly, Cerato, Bleeding Heart, MARS – anger, violence, aggression, lacking energy, too much energy, exhaustion, frustration, burn-out, impatience, irritation, taking action, sexuality issues The healing flowers in our gardens are gifts of the earth. In recent years, many other flower essences have also been developed. I practice moderation in thought and action. They help us to let go of the past and move forward. How I use Flower Remedies. I feel relaxed, open and balanced. You may take up to but no more than 6 flower essences at one time. Please try again soon. The Thinking Self ~ Networking with Others. Hillenbrand, Candy., “Healing with the Bach Flower Remedies”, article in The FAA Journal, Vol 24, No. Positive Qualities: Ability to share one’s gifts with others. They are natural, non-toxic, and non-habit-forming. 3. OTHER THERAPIES: Massage, Touch for Health, shiatsu, chanting, sound therapy. Flower remedies treat the person, not the illness. OTHER THERAPIES: Faith healing, Christian Science, Course in Miracles, reflexology, devotional music, reiki, religion. I have observed many, many people, within a short time of commencing flower essence treatment, finally making that decision, taking that action, doing that thing which they have always wanted to do. I am inspired to manifest my ideals. How can astrology be used as an agent for this process of transformation and change? I act from inner certainty. Bach Flowers are an amazing remedy to alleviate stresses and pains seen in the chart. It is indicated for those who are experiencing uncertainty about their life direction, who feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied with their lives, and are seeking a vocation or a sense of greater purpose. (Bach) It is a wonderful remedy for helping us to let go of the past. Positive Qualities: Healing and self-confidence [14] Some of these therapies have been drawn from Mann, A.T., Astrology and the Art of Healing. KEYWORDS FOR OAK REMEDY: Depression due to overwork, inflexible struggle against mental/physical odds. Jul 21, 2018 - Shift your emotions with help from Bach Flower Essences! KEYWORDS FOR WATER VIOLET: Where, in the chart, is there an outlet for this conflict, blockage or frustration? AFFIRMATIONS FOR OAK: Damian also outlines a method of selecting what he calls one’s ‘Maintenance Remedy’ from the natal chart. To sterilize your dropper bottle, cover with water and boil for 5'. p. 1. Bach Flower Remedies and Astrology | Lecture 1 (Full) In this lecture you will learn: - Introduction. It also refers to the vertical causes in contrast to the horizontal causes with which the ordinary physician is concerned. Used at its best, it can awaken us to a sense of our highest potential or ‘purpose’ in life. 4. While I have featured one particular remedy for each zodiac sign, a kind of archetypal or ‘type’ remedy, you may also find other remedies which are more appropriate. They help us to accept ourselves and to contact our own inner healing resources. Flower Remedies – Pomegranate, Pink Yarrow, Star of Bethlehem, MERCURY – scattered thinking, worry, restlessness, mental anguish, busy head, lack of clarity, over-rationality Clarity and inner peace. Mercury sign Physical stiffness. According to Bach’s biographer and devoted assistant, Nora Weeks, he had attended this dinner unwillingly and was feeling rather bored. Positive qualities: Breaking old patterns. Bach Flower remedies are completely safe for use by anyone, including children. They contain the aura of the plant soul. Vervain is an excellent Bach Flower Remedy for easing up and coasting more instead of always keeping the petal to the metal. They help us to take more interest in the present and to feel closer to the Divine. (Bach) OTHER THERAPIES: Leboyer, primal scream, rebirthing, cranial osteopathy, sport, dance, martial arts, sex therapy, leadership roles. Moon sign Esoteric Astrology – The Journey of the Soul, Affirmations for the Bach Flower Remedies, CHIRON – The Healing Pathway to Personal and Global Reconciliation, The Ascendant – Revealer of our Soul’s Purpose, Studies in Astrology and Government Accreditation, The Horoscope, the Baby and the Bath Water, What’s in a Name? - Brief history of the method. ———-, Flower Remedies Handbook (Sterling Publishing Co, New York, 1992) Creative idealism. They assist us to balance independence with interdependence, to be able to follow our own guidance while still relating to and sharing with others. The idea with flower essence healing is that through healing our emotions and changing our attitudes, we can lead lives more attuned to that essential purpose and destiny which is so well revealed by the birth chart. Some cases take years to cure. The second part of this book focuses on the Bach Flower Remedies. They enable us to release old and unfruitful emotional patterns such as resentment, anger, hatred, revenge, suspicion, fear, paranoia and possessiveness. Sweet Pea, Penstemon. They have a grounding, strengthening and protective effect. Many of these remedies are used to enhance creativity, interpersonal communication, spiritual growth and self-actualisation. There is no stigma about healing the body – we think nothing of treating a cold, bandaging a wound or massaging a sore back. Perhaps we can even change our future by changing our present, through becoming more conscious of and responsible for our emotions, thoughts and actions. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences help the Aquarian and Uranian type to overcome a tendency toward pride, aloofness and superiority. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences balance the Capricornian and Saturnian tendency towards self-denial and rigidity. Positive Qualities: Emotional strength and protection (Cal) Katz, R., Affirmations for Bach Flower Essences (Flower Essence Society, California, 1986) The Bach Flower Remedies are classified under seven headings, with each category covering a range of mental and emotional states: fear; uncertainty; insufficient interest in present circumstances; loneliness; being overly sensitive to influences and ideas; despondency and despair; and over-concern for the welfare of others. Weeks, Nora., The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician (CW Daniel Co, Essex, 1973) The Bach Flower Remedies written by Edward Bach and has been published by McGraw Hill Professional this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 1998-11-01 with Sports & Recreation categories. Flower Remedies – Chestnut Bud, Oak, Borage, CHIRON – Sense of woundedness, rejection, abandonment, trauma, abuse, the wound that won’t heal, hereditary conditions, inner cleavages, mind/body dualism, rejection of body or instinctual self Repeating mistakes and failure to learn from experience. (Bach) Worry and mental arguments. It took him four years to discover the twelve remedies and he aptly named them ‘The Twelve Healers’. They temper the tendency toward possessiveness and ‘holding on’, and enhance our creativity and receptivity towards colour and nature. Moreover, treatment with Bach Flowers can be combined with other homeopathic or conventional treatments. What is the highest potential that this person could express? [14], The Manifesting Self – Building Physical Security. Virgo Bach Flower Recommendation. Bach flower essences are an amazing gift from the planet and can help you, your children and your pets shift out of negative emotional states with elegance and ease. We are not looking at the physical symptoms, although physical symptoms can provide clues about the mental and emotional nature. In short, flower remedies appear to be potent catalysts for change. Bach Flower Remedies (up to 7) called for in your Natal Chart. The following flower essences are drawn from both the Bach Flowers and the Californian Flower Essence collections. p 41. Apart from restoring emotional and mental balance during times of stress and trauma, they seem to aid us in shifting our perspective. Bach Flower Remedies and Astrology Damian, Peter., The Twelve Healers of the Zodiac (Samuel Weiser Inc, Maine, 1986) p. 100. The first step in healing with flower essences involves identifying the feelings. Created using the Bach Essence My List and Chooser. So close was the resemblance between certain people that they might have belonged to the same family, although there was no blood relationship.” [5]. You can read up to 3 premium stories before you subscribe to Magzter GOLD, Get unlimited access to thousands of curated premium stories, newspapers and 5,000+ magazines, How The Bach Flower Essences And Tissue Salts Relate To Astrology, Discover Beauty Products Containing Indigenous - African Botanicals, Chronicillness – A Four-phase Journey To A New Life, MORE STORIES FROM NATURAL MEDICINE SOUTH AFRICA. KEYWORDS FOR PINK YARROW REMEDY: They work to infuse us with the ‘positive’ quality that we lack rather than by suppressing the ‘negative’ disturbance. You ca⦠Notice how many flowers are round and have a distinguishable ‘centre’. The ‘Treasury of the Invisible’ in the quotation refers to the ‘Divine Order’ where the archetypes of all manifestation are to be found. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Heart problems, blood and circulation disorders, back problems. The technique for determining an individual’s all-purpose Maintenance Remedy is as follows: Select the corresponding remedy for one’s: They help us to be more decisive and to balance emotional and mental extremes. KEYWORDS FOR SELF-HEAL REMEDY: Bach flower remedies work on the same basis as homeopathy, relying upon water to rely on information from the flowers, back to our physical cells. Through a quite simple but alchemical process of preparation, involving the use of the four elements, flower essences are imbued with the soul or spirit of the flower of a plant. In the 1930s Dr Edward Bach found that restoring emotional balance to his patients drove out ill-health and unhappiness. I allow the process of life to gently unfold. 2. In addition to the traditional remedies of mantra, charity and gem therapy, any modern remedy, such as Bach Flowers, can be recommended with the help of the horoscope. As an astrologer, I have sought to understand the signs, planets, houses and aspects from a ‘transformational’ perspective by asking questions like: What is a more positive way of expressing this aspect? They help us to think and communicate in a more holistic way. THE SUN – Too much ego or too little, pride, self-effacement, self-deprecation, lack of self-esteem, egotistical, arrogant, self-centred, creative blockages, wounded inner child, father issues, lack of purpose And this chart makes it easy to use a pendulum to determine which essences you require. Mann, A.T., Astrology and the Art of Healing (Unwin Paperbacks, London, Sydney, Wellington, 1989) In India, I bought the entire set of 38 bottles for around Rs 4000/- from a wholesale supplier of homeopathic medicines. Bach called it “the link-breaker”, for it not only helps us to move on, but to break old links which are holding us back. - Main principles and impact. Undoubtedly, it is a superb diagnostic tool. We can prescribe flower remedies from the case history alone, or we can correlate planetary placements and aspects with an emotional or mental pattern and then select the corresponding remedy. your own Pins on Pinterest 24, No. OTHER THERAPIES: Naturopathy, nutrition, herbal medicine, pharmaceutical medicine. Using this approach, we can look to midpoints or other ‘resolution’ planets for guidance, but in the end, all we can really come up with is yet more words and more suggestions. p. 171. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences help those sensitive and dreamy people who would rather not be here, the mystics and escapists of life. KEYWORDS FOR WILLOW REMEDY: FLOWER REMEDIES: Beech, Crab Apple, Pine, Dill, Corn, Self-Heal, Zinnia, White Yarrow Centaury, Jasmine. Discover (and save!) Changing events and things is quite a bit more difficult then changing our awareness ⦠In combination with astrology, therefore, flower essences can also help to offset any excessive fatalism found within the predictive approach. The Feeling Self ~ Nurturing an Inner Sense of Belonging. Impatience, irritability, frustration and extreme mental tension, anger. We feel more able to make our own choices, as opposed to blindly accepting the advice of others. [12] There are now Australian, New Zealand, Alaskan, Himalayan, Californian, Hawaiian, Amazonian essences available, and no doubt there will be more to come. He was familiar with astrology, but was cautious about referring to it in his public speeches and writings. Positive Qualities: Patience, acceptance and gentleness. But what if we want to change an area of our life? It is believed that flower essences have been around for a very long time, possibly dating as far back as Ancient China. In all, Dr Bach discovered 38 flower remedies and these are now used widely throughout the world. the astrology of bach flower remedies Primarily, I use either transits or progressed planets in use of Bach Flower Remedies (bfr) to a person's natal chart and planets. Flower essence healing is fundamentally a technique of emotional healing. Uncertainty, indecision and vacillation. This is not to exclude or deny the existence of Fate or Mystery. Positive Qualities: Expressing inspiration in practical life. We astrologers focus so much on the sky. 5. Bach spent the rest of his meal observing everybody very closely, and by the end of the evening, he had identified twelve groups of personality traits or twelve archetypal patterns of behaviour in people. I have selected the following flower essences whose qualities somehow match the qualities and energies of the twelve signs of the zodiac. They encourage the apathetic and lethargic to get moving again. Bach wrote that “each herb corresponds with one of the qualities, and its purpose is to strengthen that quality, so that the personality may rise above the fault that is the stumbling block.” [7], Bach taught that our personality type was determined by the Moon Sign at birth. 1 Bach Flower Remedies by Ernst Wilhelm Remedies are one of the great advantages that the practitioner of astrology has. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences help the Virgoan type to lighten up, to be less critical and judgemental of oneself and others. - The 4 astrological elements and psychology types. They enable us to feel closer to the Earth and to better assimilate the experiences of life. He called them ‘world types’, and he embarked on a quest to discover a healing remedy for each of these types. It can help us to cast light on our dilemmas, complexes and inner conflicts, and equally our gifts and talents. The Healing Self ~ Towards Self-improvement & Wholeness. Flower Remedies – Shasta Daisy, Snapdragon, White Chestnut, VENUS – Relating issues, self worth, self-dislike, self-sacrificing, wounded in love, codependency, giving too much or not enough Changing FLOWER REMEDIES: Scleranthus, Cerato, Red Clover, Calendula, Eucalyptus, Holly, Agrimony. As one person described it: “no-one wants to feel they have no control over their lives”. Positive Qualities: Mental tranquillity and calmness. Group therapy, meridian therapies, acupuncture, astrology, energy medicine, radiesthesia (dowsing), homeopathy. I bring balance to all areas of my life. cit. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences bring emotional calm to the Cancerian or Lunar type. Strain, stress, tension, over-enthusiasm. KEYWORDS FOR SUNFLOWER REMEDY: Shannon Beador from Housewives of Orange County uses and recommend Rescue Remedy and the Bach Flower Remedies. KEYWORDS FOR CHESTNUT BUD REMEDY: Lack of balance. Edward Bach described the flower remedies like this: “They cure, not by attacking disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which disease melts as snow in the sunshine”. The astrological approach used here is a choice-centered one, as opposed to a more deterministic or fatalistic approach. How could this difficult energy be more creatively expressed? I am one with all life. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Asthma, bronchitis, nervous strain and collapse, injuries to hands, fingers, arms and shoulders. I have encountered some who express concern that an approach combining astrology and flower essences may amount to a Pollyana-ish world view, one which denies the darkness of life and seeks to eliminate the effects of a transit. Bach Flower Remedies by Ernst Wilhelm Remedies are one of the great advantages that the practitioner of astrology has. I experience renewed strength and stability. * the sign on the 6th or 12th house cusps The Purposeful Self ~ Structuring our Contribution to Society. The Principle of Initiation – The Pioneering Self, FLOWER REMEDIES: Impatiens, Heather, Vine, Blackberry, Tansy, Sunflower, Wild Oat, Cayenne, Tiger Lily, Indian Paintbrush [11] Both astrology and vibrational medicine, such as the Bach Flower Remedies, approach you from a holistic viewpoint. Though generally they have ⦠FLOWER REMEDIES: Wild Rose, Chestnut Bud, Chicory, Iris, Tansy, Corn, Nasturtium, Gentian. I am strengthened by a shining shield of light. EMOTIONAL HEALING: These essences help the Leonine type to express leadership qualities in a positive way. Primarily, flower essences are used to treat emotional and mental problems, and are selected on the basis of the client’s psychological profile, which is quite easily determined by an analysis of the birth chart. I relax. When we use flower essences, we are looking at the person’s emotional nature and mental attitudes. [11] Some of these flower essences have been drawn from the work of Marcia Starck and Donna Cunningham (see Bibliography). Stock concentrate BFE liquids are administered orally in drop form or applied topically to pulse points, including at the wrists, temples, and behind the ears. Through the action of the sun and the process of combination of the four elements, the healing ‘essence’ or etheric imprint of the flower is transferred into the water. They help calm the nervous system for those prone to extremes of mental energy. p. 1. If you have access to a set of flower essences, or are able to make your own, you can choose appropriate essences based on your own knowledge and experience. The Reforming Self ~ Towards a Global Awareness. Bach Flower REMEDIES & Astrology for Big or Small Life Problems. The Bach Remedy Chestnut Bud is ideal for this ‘holding on’ tendency. 4, Dec 1994. They foster a desire to put the fruits of our creativity at the service of others and enhance a global perspective. Flower Remedies – Sweet Chestnut, Willow, Holly, Chicory. In my quest to find a healing tool which could be used effectively in conjunction with an astrological reading, I discovered flower essences. (Bach) Broken hearts also need mending. ———-., Astrology and Vibrational Healing (Cassandra Press, California, 1988) I feel strong and energetic. The flower essence remedies are made by floating the freshly picked flowers of the selected plant or tree in a glass bowl of pure water and leaving them to sit in the sunlight for several hours. They are strengthening and nurturing for the highly sensitive and emotionally needy person, and assist those who are over-protective and possessive of loved ones. Primarily, flower essences are used to treat emotional and mental problems, and are selected on the basis of the clientâs psychological profile⦠KEYWORDS FOR IMPATIENS REMEDY: I need the world and the world needs me. I awaken the self-healing power within me. Flower Remedies – Vervain, Beech, Scleranthus, SATURN – Rigidity, fixity, stuck in old patterns, melancholy, depression, weight of the world on one’s shoulders (Atlas complex), father issues, issues with authority figures, rejection, loneliness, isolation, excessive responsibilities, fear These are liquid extracts of flowers and are referred to as a âvibrationalâ remedy, for they contain no scientifically detectable material substance, but a principle which some have likened to the life force of the flower. Is the highest potential that this person could express have always been a flower lover and the flower... 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