automate the boring stuff with python google drive


Step 2: Choose Google Drive and select one of its events as a “trigger” that’ll start the automation. TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU/' Try to enter a few example responses into this form. >>> ezsheets.convertAddress('A2') # Converts addresses... >>> sheet['A2'] # Empty cells return a blank string. Then by setting these values, you can change the size of the sheet. >>> ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Delete me') # Create the spreadsheet. The information they enter into the form is stored in a Google Sheet. 'Age' The cell values will be strings, so you’ll need to convert them to integers so your program can work with them. Google provides a scripting language called Google Apps Script for that very reason, which lets you automate the boring stuff. If you want to view your API usage or increase your quota, go to the IAM & Admin Quotas page at to learn about paying for increased usage. {}. Just as in Excel, Google Sheets worksheets have columns and rows of cells containing data. Clicking this button will bring up a window with a Download Client Configuration link that lets you download a credentials.json file. If you have an error try creating a new project instance by clicking “File” => “New” => “Project”. Step #1 : Sign in to Google Colab and Create a new Python3 notebook. >>> ss2 = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Second Spreadsheet') >>> ezsheets.listSpreadsheets() # Confirm that we've created a spreadsheet. ...     # Make the Python list contain uppercase strings: You can access these sheets using the square brackets operator and an integer index. >>> ss.sheetTitles The listSpreadsheets() function returns a dictionary where the keys are spreadsheet IDs and the values are the titles of each spreadsheet. >>> rows[10][2] = '400' # Change the pounds sold. This new credentials file will then be listed on the page, and you can click on the download icon to download it. >>> ss.spreadsheetId # The unique ID (this is a read-only attribute). 8. However, you can back up sheets by copying them to another spreadsheet with the copyTo() method, as explained in the next section. There are other ways to automate tasks in Google Drive such as using external libraries/modules in programming languages like Python. For convenience, you can also obtain a Spreadsheet object of an existing spreadsheet by passing the spreadsheet’s full URL to the function. You can list the spreadsheets in your Google account by calling the listSpreadsheets() function. Source image. For this blog tutorial, we will be sticking to the Google Apps Script which doesn’t require any additional software as you can write this all in your browser. >>> sheet['A2'] = 'Alice' You can use the square brackets operator to read and write data from and to these cells. 6. What functions will create a new Spreadsheet object and a new Sheet object, respectively? If you encounter an error after clicking Allow and the page seems to hang, make sure you have first enabled the Google Sheets and Drive APIs from the links at the start of this section. How can you find the column letters for column 999? ('Classes', 'Resources') '' >>> ss1 = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('First Spreadsheet') >>> ss1[0].updateRow(1, ['Some', 'data', 'in', 'the', 'first', 'row']) These instructions add three new sheets to the spreadsheet: “Bacon,” “Spam,” and “Eggs” (in addition to the default “Sheet1”). If you want to keep the sheet but delete the data it contains, call the clear() method to clear all the cells and make it a blank sheet. The ss variable contains a Spreadsheet object. You can read the number of rows and columns in a sheet with the rowCount and columnCount attributes. The Sheet objects represent the rows and columns of data in each sheet. The changes you make to the Spreadsheet object will be reflected in the online spreadsheet in real time. Once you have a credentials-sheets.json file, run the import ezsheets module. Note that files in the CSV and TSV formats can contain only one sheet; therefore, if you download a Google Sheets spreadsheet in this format, you will get the first sheet only. To copy a Sheet object to another Spreadsheet object, call the copyTo() method. ) hollywood google drive movies list August 18, 2018 Download Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming January 1, 2018 Fasal on Google Drive Movies Collection 2020 Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. According to, Google Sheets spreadsheets can have up to 5 million cells in them. You can modify the values in this data structure to change the produce name, pounds sold, and total cost of some of the rows. If the request continues to fail (which is possible if another script using the same credentials is also making requests), EZSheets will re-raise this exception. Getting a column or row as a list, updating the list, and then updating the entire column or row with the list is much faster, since all the changes can be made in one request. All Google Sheets spreadsheets start with a single sheet named “Sheet1.” You can add additional sheets to the end of the list of sheets with the createSheet() method, to which you pass a string to use as the new sheet’s title. >>> ss = ezsheets.Spreadsheet('1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU') Enter the following into the interactive shell: >>> ss.sheetTitles Google Sheets is a popular online spreadsheet application that runs in your browser. 6 '1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU' >>> sheet = ss[0] # Get the first sheet in this spreadsheet. Write a script that passes a submitted file to upload(). 3. >>> ss.downloadAsPDF() # Downloads the spreadsheet as a PDF. 'Education Data'. If you have thousands of cells to update, updating them one at a time might be quite slow. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. Download Automate The Boring Stuff With Python PDF/ePub or read online books in Mobi eBooks. >>> rows[1] >>> ss[0]        # Also gets the first Sheet object in this Spreadsheet. #! 1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU, '1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU', ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Delete me'), ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('My Spreadsheet'), ss = ezsheets.upload('produceSales.xlsx'), sheet.updateRow(3, ['Pumpkin', '11.50', '20', '230']), ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Multiple Sheets'), ss1 = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('First Spreadsheet'), ss2 = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Second Spreadsheet'), ss1[0].updateRow(1, ['Some', 'data', 'in', 'the', 'first', 'row']), Buy on No Starch Press (comes with free ebook),,,,,, It is a special type of account that is used to make authorized API calls to Google Cloud Services. 'Class_Data.ods' >>> ss.title You don't need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done. ('Sheet1',) In this example, the third row initially contains information about okra, but the updateRow() call replaces it with data about pumpkin. Enter the following into the interactive shell, replacing my_spreadsheet.xlsx with a spreadsheet file of your own: >>> import ezsheets >>> for i, value in enumerate(columnOne): The columns of the first sheet in this spreadsheet are “Beans per Jar,” “Jars,” and “Total Beans.” The “Total Beans” column is the product of the numbers in the “Beans per Jar” and “Jars” columns. Afterwards, we are going to use an array to store the other user’s emails. ['OKRA', '2.26', '400', '904', '', ''] Before you can use EZSheets, you need to enable the Google Sheets and Google Drive APIs for your Google account. The previous example shows that getColumn(1) and getColumn('A') return the same list. Have you ever got bored doing a monotonous task over and over again, on google drive, and wish there was a simpler and less repetitive way to get these tasks run. ['OKRA', '2.26', '40', '90.4', '', ''] See “Creating and Deleting Sheets” on page 341 for information on how to do this. The message about Quickstart comes from the fact that you downloaded the credentials file from the Google Sheets Python Quickstart page. 23758 >>> ss[0].clear()       # Clear all the cells on the "Sheet1" sheet. Google Sheets, the free, web-based spreadsheet application available to anyone with a Google account or Gmail address, has become a useful, feature-rich competitor to Excel. >>> ss.sheets[0] # Gets the first Sheet object in this Spreadsheet. We have created the function so let’s create the new document. We can get this easily by using the “getId()“ method with our doc object. >>> sheet = ss[0] >>> ss.url           # The original URL (this is a read-only attribute). We Marketers Courses Hub is a network on different platforms aiming to collect the free courses opportunities and introduce it for all development seekers. As part of this installation, EZSheets will also install the google-api-python-client, google-auth-httplib2, and google-auth-oauthlib modules. For practice, write programs to do the following tasks. ['PRODUCE', 'COST PER POUND', 'POUNDS SOLD', 'TOTAL', '', ''] To upload an existing Excel, OpenOffice, CSV, or TSV spreadsheet to Google Sheets, pass the filename of the spreadsheet to ezsheets.upload(). The Spreadsheet object’s sheets attribute holds a tuple of Sheet objects in the order in which they appear in the spreadsheet. This is because the uploaded sheet has a column count of 6, but we have only 4 columns of data. To make a Spreadsheet object from an existing Google Sheets spreadsheet, you’ll need the spreadsheet’s ID string. You can download a Google Sheets spreadsheet in a number of formats: Excel, OpenOffice, CSV, TSV, and PDF. ['PRODUCE', 'Potatoes', 'Okra', 'Fava beans', 'Watermelon', 'Garlic', A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity. {'1aCw2NNJSZblDbhygVv77kPsL3djmgV5zJZllSOZ_mRk': 'Delete me'} 'B' >>> ss2.sheetTitles    # ss2 now contains a copy of ss1's Sheet1. ['POTATOES', '0.86', '21.6', '18.58', '', ''] Then write a Python script using EZSheets to collect a list of the email addresses on this spreadsheet. ('Sheet1', 'Eggs') Remember that row numbers in Google Sheets begin at 1, not 0. However, this also means that reading and updating the sheets will be slower than reading and updating Excel files stored locally on your hard drive. Feel free to delete this as we will start with a blank file. >>> ss['Spam'].delete() # Delete the "Spam" sheet. (1, 2) >>> sheet['A1'] # Read the value in cell A1. Figure 14-4 shows a spreadsheet titled “Education Data” containing three sheets titled “Students,” “Classes,” and “Resources.” The first column of each sheet is labeled A, and the first row is labeled 1. 2. Downloading and installing Python is covered at the start of the course. Each sheet has columns and rows of data that you can read and update in several ways. EZSheets contains functions for each of these options: >>> import ezsheets Part 3— Upload files to Google Drive. . You can look at this spreadsheet in your browser by going to It may take a few minutes for Google’s servers to register this change, so you may have to wait before you can use EZSheets. A Spreadsheet object will have one or more Sheet objects. How can you create a Google Sheet spreadsheet from an Excel file? >>> ss = ezsheets.Spreadsheet('1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU') >>> rows[10][3] = '904' # Change the total. >>> ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet('Multiple Sheets') Spreadsheet(spreadsheetId='1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU') To upload this spreadsheet, enter the following into the interactive shell: >>> import ezsheets >>> ss.sheetTitles >>> ezsheets.listSpreadsheets() That’s too many rows to check by hand. However, writing values to the online spreadsheet requires a network connection and can take about a second. ''. But for most purposes, this speed restriction won’t affect Python scripts using EZSheets. Rename this file to credentials-sheets.json and place it in the same folder as your Python scripts. ('Sheet1',). Enter the following into the interactive shell after uploading a spreadsheet: >>> ezsheets.listSpreadsheets() python python-3.x google-drive-api pydrive >>> rows[1][0] = 'PUMPKIN' # Change the produce name. ('Classes', 'Resources'). It is like Jupyter Notebook and very simple to use. >>> sheet = ss['Eggs']  # Assign a variable to the "Eggs" sheet. To generate a new credentials file from this page, click the Create Credentials button and select OAuth client ID, also shown in Figure 14-3. The getRow() and getColumn() functions retrieve the data from every cell in a specific row or column as a list of values. We have now finished showing you how to do this basic example, but that shouldn’t stop you looking further. --snip-- >>> ss.downloadAsHTML() # Downloads the spreadsheet as a ZIP of HTML files. For complete documentation of EZSheet’s features, visit Put this code in a loop to identify which row in the sheet has the incorrect total. 'Education Data' >>> sheet['C1'] = 'Favorite Movie' >>> sheet['A1'] = 'Name' # Set the value in cell A1. This site is built using Django and Symposion . The first time you import the EZSheets module, it will open a new browser window for you to log in to your Google account. Figure 14-6: The sheet before (left) and after (right) changing the column count to 4. Currently he teaches Python to beginners as a lecturer at Python Boot Camp( all over Japan. >>> ss = ezsheets.Spreadsheet('1J-Jx6Ne2K_vqI9J2SO-TAXOFbxx_9tUjwnkPC22LjeU') 'my_spreadsheet'. I’ve watched the automation section on automate the boring stuff with python and I’m currently watching a video talking about automating with Selenium. Through this blog tutorial, we will explore how to create some simple automated operations to do which you can expand on afterwards. >>> ss[0].delete()      # Delete the sheet at index 0: the "Bacon" sheet. Next, for Application Type, select Other and give the file any name you like. 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