liquid sodium hypochlorite for pools
Unstabilised liquid chlorine with 14%-15% available chlorine. IN THE SWIMMING pool industry, one of the most popularly chosen forms for sanitizing and superchlorinating water is sodium hypochlorite. Most liquid chlorine you find in your pool store will contain anywhere to 10% - 15% active sodium hypochlorite. Whether you've had a pool for 20 years, or are just starting out, sodium hypochlorite is a great alternative for your pool's disinfecting needs. Commercial-grade sodium hypochlorite liquid chlorine NSF-grade. Because it is dissolved in water it typically has a 12½% active content. This compound is relatively stable and has greater available chlorine than sodium hypochlorite (the active ingredient in Regular Bleach). Menards: $3.99 for one gallon of 12%. POOL BLEACH - 12.5% sodium hypochloride. Chlorine's concentration is 10 â 15% available chlorine while bleach is about 8.5%. This edition of Tech Notes provides information on the characteristics, effects and proper application of sodium hypochlorite. Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Pool, Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Pool Suppliers Directory - Find variety Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Pool Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at swiming pool equipment ,pool table ,swimming pool, Pool & Accessories It is pool chlorinating liquid that is 10% sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite (liquid pool chlorine/swimming pool shock) has a nice yellowish color. There is no single rule of thumb for dosing sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite (liquid pool chlorine/swimming pool shock) has a nice yellowish color. Available in 5 & 20 Litres. It produces an excellent cleaning agent when it comes in contact with water. Pretty simple, right? Chlorine is a naturally occurring chemical and is one of the building blocks of matter. Not everything in life is perfect, and that includes our pool chemicals. For everyday use in swimming pools and spas. We're dealing with pool chemicals and they can be unforgiving, so the utmost care must be taken. Easy-to-use, fast, and effective. Shock and sanitize your pool by pouring this liquid shock directly into your swimming pool or feed it via a peristaltic metering pump. Calcium hypochlorite contains calcium, and sodium hypochlorite … This commercial strength liquid chlorine is also used by laundry and dry cleaners, and is a strong concentration of 12.5 % Sodium Hypochlorite. The Right Amount of Chlorine Shock to Use in Your Pool *For liquid chlorine or sodium hypochlorite with 12.5% chlorine, add 10 ounces for a 10,000-gallon pool to raise free chlorine (FC) by 1 ppm. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) is one of the more popular methods of chlorinating swimming pool water in both commercial and residential applications. It can bleach out clothes and may cause burns if not properly handled. T: (626) 969-5657, 10605 Jamacha Blvd. First thing we need to know is how big our pool is, or in other words, how many gallons of water our pool holds. If these two are mixed, a chemical explosion can occur. The calcium hypochlorite form of chlorine is a solid that is easy to introduce into pool water. How to Superchlorinate your Pool with Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) Using your pool water testing kit, find your Total Chlorine (TAC) and Free Chlorine (FAC) levels. 23119 Drayton Street Some of the benefits of using pool shock. to 10,000 gallons) to raise the free chlorine level by approximately 1.0 ppm. Then we need to buy enough liquid chlorine for our pool's sanitizing needs, whether this is for shocking our pool or for weekly maintenance. In addition to the chlorine itself, calcium and other inert ingredients make up the remainder of the chemical. If they're closed and you're in a pinch, you can go to the grocery store and buy some unscented bleach which works perfectly. Commonly known as "liquid chlorine" or bleach, sodium hypochlorite is widely used in both commercial and residential swimming pools. The chemical sanitizing agent of choice for millions of pool owners is chlorine, or more specifically, sodium hypochlorite. Chlorine's concentration is 10 – 15% available chlorine while bleach is about 8.5%. Other pool chemicals are used to control the growth of algae or fungus, to adjust the acidity or alkalinity (pH control), and to clarify pool water. - The main advantage is that microorganisms cannot build up any resistance to it. Make sure you know the difference between calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite (liquid bleach). 19.5 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite at $9.99. The best way to add liquid swimming pool chlorine is to start in the deep end of the pool and walk it around the perimeter. It's stronger, but chemically identical, to regular grocery store bleach. Liquid chlorine is many times less expensive than chlorine granules, or calcium hypochlorite. T: (661) 259-5848, 735 N Eleven Mile Corner Road As a guide for private pools 1 gallon of pool chlorine weighs 8.5 lbs. Liquid chlorine can stain your pool surface if your pool is not properly swept after adding it. T: (619) 444-9900, 3401 Industrial Way It's stronger, but chemically identical, to regular grocery store bleach. Calcium Hypochlorite vs. 26 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite. Always follow the manufacturerâs instructions for how much sodium hypochlorite to add to increase the chlorine level up to the desired level. Spring Valley, CA 91978 It seems to be more convenient to have big 55 gallon drums filled with pool chlorine. How is sodium hypochlorite used in swimming pools? Frequently on sale for $7.99 and even $6.99 around Memorial Day. Sodium hypochlorite does smell like chlorine and some may find the odors are too much. Unstabilized chlorine comes in 3 types: sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine), lithium hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite. Commonly called bleach, it's one of the world's most popular forms of chlorine and a perfect way to sanitize your pool water. Commonly known as liquid chlorine it is widely used in swimming pools both commercial and residential. With the amount of chlorine that pools require over the course of a swim season, it’ll be quite costly to use lithium hypochlorite. It has a relatively low FAC level. This is good for places that have hard fill water. When NaOCl (liquid chlorine) is added to water HOCl, Na+, and OH– is formed. It is a bit of a misnomer to use the term liquid chlorine. Sodium Hypochlorite, commonly referred to as liquid bleach, is a liquid sanitizer that is both very common among pool professionals and cost effective. Bryan, TX 77807 Get it, use it, and return the jug to the pool store to have it refilled. Ideal for use with secondary sanitizing systems like ozone, UV and AOP. For commercial pools, feed via an automatic chemical controller and peristaltic metering pump. Bulk 1000L - 18000L Product Code: . Liquid pool chlorine has a shelf life of about 1 year, and after that it will rapidly degrade. Sign-up for Member Access to HASA’s Dealer and Distributor Portal, HASA’s Terry Arko Stops by Pool Nation Podcast to Discuss “Understanding Chlorine”, Shock: Oxidation, Superchlorination, Hyperchlorination and Breakpoint Chlorination, Chlorine: The Unsung Hero in Times of Crisis, Liquid Chlorine: The Perfect Pool Pro Tool for a Crisis. T: (602) 252-9800, 1251 Loveridge Road Most of the time, you'll just pour the directed amount into your skimmer, and keep the pump running to distribute it. Commonly known as “liquid chlorine” or bleach, sodium hypochlorite is widely used in both commercial and residential swimming pools. A password reset link will be sent to you by email. It produces an excellent cleaning agent when it comes in contact with water. Liquid pool chlorine is unstabilized. STOT - single exposure No information available. Sodium hypochlorite, in its liquid chlorine state, is the simplest form of pool sanitizer in that it is already diluted appropriately and can be added straight to your pool water. Sodium hypochlorite must be kept away from other chemicals, especially granular chlorine such as calcium hypochlorite. This is one of the reasons commercial pools choose sodium hypochlorite. Sodium Hypochlorite. Liquid chlorine starts to kill organics in the pool as soon as it enters the water. Eloy, AZ 85131 Sodium Hypochlorite, the active ingredient in liquid chlorine, begins working as soon as it enters the pool water. Sodium Hypochlorite, chemical formula HCl, delivers approximately l0% available Chlorine; Common household liquid bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite, at about 1.5% concentration; 5 litres of Sodium Hypochlorite contain about 0.5 kg of available Chlorine; 5 gallons of Sodium Hypochlorite contain about 0.5 a gallon of available Chlorine You'll want to avoid contact with liquid swimming pool chlorine. - liquid Chlorine. - Sodium hypochlorite is effective against Legionella bacteria and bio film, in which Legionella bacteria can multiply. Trichlor (trichloro-s-triazinetrione / trichloroisocyanuric acid) Byproducts in pool water: cyanuric acid … Large, nonresidential pools may use chlorine stored as a liquid … This 12.5-15% strength sodium hypochlorite is available in 55-gallon drums. You'll need to brush the pool very well after applying as sodium hypochlorite is heavier than water and will sink to the bottom and possibly stain your pool surface. Use heavy duty rubber gloves and goggles and keep pool chlorine out of reach of children and pets. © Copyright 2020 Also, be sure to store your sodium hypochlorite away from other chemicals. - Sodium hypochlorite is used in swimming pools for water disinfection and oxidation. Commercial Grade 12.5% Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) Pool Shock. Use 600ml Liquid Chlorine per 100 cubic metres of pool water (10 fl oz. It’s primary uses are for chlorinating / sanitizing swimming pools and to disinfect drinking water. Remember to read the manufactureâs labels. Sodium hypochlorite is a perfect way to disinfect your pool. Liquid swimming pool chlorine is the choice of many pool owners. 15.6 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite at $7.99. *For calcium hypochlorite or powder chlorine, 1 pound is ideal for every 10,000-gallon pool. T: (360) 578-9300, 2780 North Harvey Mitchell Parkway Use as directed for routine control of algae and bacteria. For swimming pools, it can be used in solid granular form (calcium hypochlorite) or liquid (sodium hypochlorite). Liquid chlorine 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite  Solution - for swimming pools, water treatment and industrial processes. It won’t raise the pool’s pH level, and at 10-12% available chlorine, it’s pre-diluted for a safe-to-use level. At Pinch A Penny, we sell more liquid chlorine than any other pool company in the world. Most commercial indoor pools use liquid chlorine. While both alternatives are proven disinfectants, there are a couple of differences. Using sodium hypochlorite, we can disinfect both the water in the garden pool by the house and in large pools in sports centers, hotels, spas, etc. Sodium hypochlorite effectively destroys bacteria and prevents algae in swimming pools. *Bleach may contain 6 or 8.25% sodium hypochlorite. T. Sodium Hypochlorite 10/11% with Calgon Liquid Chlorine Sodium Hypochlorite 10/11% with Calgon (Liquid Chlorine) Dosage Shock treatment - Add 11 Litres/100m3 (22000 gallons) of pool water. You'll need to keep an eye on your cyanuric acid level. Well, the pool sanitizer is diluted and can be added straight to your pool without any further modification or whatever. A great alternative to tablet and granular chlorine products. Suncoast Gold™ Liquid Chlorine is the affordable way to sanitize your swimming pool! Next, we should test our chlorine level to determine the starting point, or where our current chlorine level is. Household bleach is a liquid that contains sodium hypochlorite, which is simply chlorine in its liquid form. That is exactly the same chemical that is in other household chlorine products (bleach) such as Clorox or Purex but those typically contain 6% sodium hypochlorite, so it takes proportionally less HDX to chlorinate your pool or hot tub. The pool test kit of choice for professionals is the Taylor K-2006. Chlorine has also been used for decades in home disinfectants. You'll be able to find liquid at your local pool store. It’s easy to use. Enter the username or e-mail you used in your profile. We expect the chlorine in our pools to do three things, and they are to: Chlorine is the main compound we use to accomplish this. The best way to add sodium hypochlorite as a pool sanitizer is in the form of liquid chlorine state. Always take the proper precaution in dealing with pool chlorine or bleach, and for that matter, any kind of swimming pool chemical. Saugus, CA 91350 Stabilized vs unstabilized chlorine Chlorine also comes in either stabilized or unstabilized versions, each having its own use. Liquid swimming pool chlorine is the choice of many pool owners. PureChlor 15 Sodium Hypochlorite Liquid Chlorine. If you need to shock your pool, or for weekly maintenance, there's really nothing better than sodium hypochlorite. Liquid chlorine is what we will be talking about here. Pomona, CA 91766 Our pools needs a sanitizing agent to kill off algae spores, bacteria, viruses, and everything else that falls into the pool. Pool Essentials Chlorinating Liquid Revision Date 11-Jul-2016 Chemical Name ACGIH IARC NTP OSHA Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 - Group 3 - - IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Not classifiable as a human carcinogen Reproductive toxicity No information available. For this example, the... Subtract your FAC from your TAC to find your Combined … It's known as liquid chlorine and is used in both home and commercial pools. Let's keep it really simple and just say it kills stuff. Some pool owners find that carrying around a 2.5 gallon container of chlorine might be a bit unwieldy. It’s safe for storage, as it is nonflammable and noncombustible. Keep it out of direct sunlight or it will degrade even faster. Much less waste because you're reusing the same jugs over and over again. HASA defines Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite: In the swimming pool industry one of the most popularly chosen forms for sanitizing water is liquid sodium hypochlorite. In … If you've never tried it before, you might might be in for a pleasant surprise. T: (214) 351-4144, A Return to “The Simple”: The Practical Benefits of Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite,, T: (925) 432-3866, 1415 East 3rd Street Pittsburg, CA 94565 It can be poured directly into the pool but, is recommended by many pool experts to first dilute the Sodium Hypochlorite in water. The chlorine attaches itself to this organic matter and kills it. Chlorine is an important nutrient for plants and animals and provides clean drinking water to people by killing the bacteria and viruses that can make us sick. include calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, and chlorinated isocyanurates. And we're going to find out why. Sodium hypochlorite is a liquid form of chlorine that can be directly added to your pool skimmer. Liquid swimming pool chlorine is the choice of many pool owners. Ensure chlorine levels are maintained at approximately 2-3 mg/l (ppm). Unlike calcium hypochlorite, liquid chlorine will not raise your calcium hardness level. To learn more about Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite & other HASA products, click here. This daily dose rate is offered as a general guide for private pools. Liquid chlorine is … Sodium Hypochlorite, also known as Bleach or Liquid Shock is used often at Hotel, Condo and Health Club pools, delivered by truck and stored in 50 gal vats. Above pH 7.6 the value of chlorine will be reduced. Daily - 1.2L/100m3 of pool water. Most sodium hypochlorite products we buy will be for 10,000 gallons of pool water, so we should gauge our chlorine needs from that. Let's look at some of the benefits of using sodium hypochlorite, or as we know it, liquid chlorine. 13.7 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite at $6.99. Founded in 1964, HASA, Inc. is a leading producer and distributor of Sani-Clor® and high quality water treatment products used to sanitize and maintain swimming pools and hot tubs, and water systems and containment vessels for recreational, industrial and municipal end markets. It can be poured directly into the pool but, is recommended by many pool experts to first dilute the Sodium Hypochlorite in water. Sodium hypochlorite – the common name for liquid chlorine or liquid chlorine – is one of the means of disinfecting pool water. Easy-to-use, fast, and effective – no mixing required. This "stuff" could be algae spores, bacteria, bugs, and swimmer waste such as sweat, spit, oils, and urine. Let's take a look at some drawbacks of sodium hypochlorite. Longview, WA 98632 One of the best ways to add cyanuric acid to you pool is with chlorine tablets. Some commercial indoor pool systems are automated which makes it even easier to have the swimming pool care consistent. Categories: Pool Chemicals, Swimming Pool Sanitisers, Sodium Hypochlorite  Solution. It's a great alternative to calcium hypochlorite for places with hard water and high calcium hardness. Liquid chlorine is sodium hypochlorite (a chlorine compound) dissolved in a solution of water. The benefit of purifying water with granular calcium hypochlorite is that the solution of “chlorine” made with 1 teaspoon to 2 gallons, can be used for small batches of purified water, and that’s all that is needed at the time. Cyanuric acid is the stabilizer of your chlorine and youâll want to keep the level between 30 -50 ppm. Give it a try and see if it can't give you a sparkly perfect pool. Liquid sodium hypochlorite has been proven through the history of pools to be one of the most cost effective, easy and safest ways to disinfect pool water because: It’s affordable. Or 8.25 % sodium hypochlorite is used in your pool surface if your pool pouring. 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