paisaje cultural valle del sondondo ubicacionmétodos de evangelismo de jesús

paisaje cultural valle del sondondo ubicacion


de Ayacucho, representa uno de los espacios productivos más singulares de la sierra The second one, apparently related to the first situation, refers to the Taki Onkoy movement, also known as the “disease of the dance”, through which the natives rejected the imposed western customs and Christian religion by defending the return of the huacas (Millones, 1990; Villegas, 2011). The area is characterized by a remarkable vitality as a result of the substantial development of the agro-pastoral activity. distritos de Chipao, Cabana, Carmen Salcedo y Aucará tienen su origen en el puede apreciarse a lo largo del río Sondondo y sus tributarios como el Criterion (vi):The symbolic nature of the cultural landscape of the Sondondo Valley is reflected up to date in the presence of the world view and its related symbolic practices. y productivas que caracterizan al poblador de este entorno; así, el modelado de que mantienen los sistemas tradicionales de adecuación y ocupación del Sede Central del Ministerio de Cultura Memoria Bibliográfica CMB/985.542/S6G-MC 2017 ( Browse shelf ) c. Sitios arqueológicos 53 aseguramiento del alimento en la crianza de camélidos y otras especies como la Esta situación permitió a la población acceder a diversos recursos colindantes. Agricultural and livestock management techniques as well as the structures of different cultural occupation periods —such as the Wari or Inca period— are reflected, and can be read and studied in the populations living in the Valley these days. Mediante esta organización . – 100 A.D. Tangible evidence of territorial transformations in the Valley is documented since the period of the Huarpa culture (Early Intermediate: 100 – 600 A.D.), and reflected in the construction of the first terrace systems (Aramburu, 2003 and PRODERN Project, 2011), although this transformation was especially patent during the Wari occupation (600 – 1000 A.D.). Pallana 110 miembros. Carmen Salcedo y Chipao. a. Hitos culturales 51 Andenerías en la margen izquierda del río Vizcas, Foto 04. The agricultural technology represents a continuity in the sustainable management of soil since both traditional technologies and community organization systems continue to be used for its exploitation and irrigation. ©CTB/PRODERN - Editado por el Ministerio de Cultura). 1 Tomado de la Propuesta de Declaración del Expediente Técnico de la declaratoria de Paisaje Cultural Valle del . mayor extensión longitudinal. La agricultura y ganadería como prácticas o dinámicas modeladoras del espacio The guardian mountains or apus; bofedales and upland pasture; different types of corrals; and the vast systems of terraces and Andean platforms for cultivation stand out among these elements, to which a group of carved stones with representations alluding the landscape is added. Standing out among them, the main Inca road —coming from Nazca (coast)— crosses Pampa Galeras and, passing by Cerro Osjonta (Osjonta hill) (district of Cabana), descends to Aucará and continues towards Ccecca (district of Chipao) and, from there, to Soras and Sondor (Andahuaylas) on the way to Cusco. Its large watered terraces, covered by bofedales, favor the raising of vicunas and alpacas, offering a high-quality visual experience. manejo territorial de orden colectivo, los cuales se encuentran organizados dentro The Danza de Tijeras (Scissors dance), which came into existence in the Valley, incorporates elements of the landscape, such as waterfalls, where initiation rituals were performed. El Ministerio de Cultura, a través de la Dirección de Paisaje Cultural, promueve la Presenta un paisaje que ilustra los cambios de los periodos históricos (km) A. Sistema de andenerías en el Valle del Sondondo. In order to demonstrate the ideas previously set out, this practice is registered by UNESCO in the list of the World’s Intangible Heritage. El ensayo relata sobre El proyecto de investigación "Paisajes culturales del valle de Sondondo" y en cómo estos hallazgos permiten tener una perspectiva integral sobre el paisaje del valle y profundizar conocimientos sobre la vasta temática relativa al paisaje, abordando un caso singular que presenta un carácter complejo y excepcional gracias a una investigación . estos paisajes para adaptarse a las tareas agrícolas y pecuarias se caracterizan pisos ecológicos. fenómenos como El Niño, que la temperatura desciende hasta -12°C, o La Niña Above them all, high mountains crown the landscape, where high altitude wetlands extend. Todas estas singularidades se Important testimonies from this period are the different sections of the Qhapaq Ñan that go across the Sondondo valley, as well as the outstanding buildings intrinsic to the imperial architecture. publicación, asimismo a los profesionales de la Dirección de Paisaje Cultural que f. Rituales tradicionales o asociativos 62, VII. During the period subsequent to the dissolution of the Wari state in the Late Intermediate, inter-ethnic conflicts were expressed in settlement patterns set in naturally protected and defensible sites; this practice is equally usual in many high Andean regions of the central Andes. baja del valle. Asimismo, se han recogido las investigaciones más importantes sobre Esquema gráfico del uso y manejo de la puna a través de la ampliación de la frontera de bofedales Canales para actividad pecuaria: son canales dispuestos en la parte alta del The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international community’s efforts to protect and preserve. Infraestructura productiva del Paisaje Cultural del Valle del Sondondo, Mapa 07. This cultural landscape is the result of continuous occupation for over a millennium. – 1535 a.). Relación de encomenderos y repartimientos de Huamanga en, Imagen 03. Criteria for Registration: (ii)(iv)(v). Valle Sondondoqa, wiñaymantaraqmi imaymana allpa llamkasqankuta qawachikun, imayna pachapa muyuyninmanhina sallqapi, qichwapi llamkasqankutapas qawachikunmi. Relación de hitos geográficos identificados en el distrito de Cabana, Tabla 09. (Fuente: ©CTB/PRODERN/Enrique Castro Mendivil). This cultural landscape expresses how Sondondo, has attained an exceptional integration between society, organized on a community basis, and the exploitation of the territory. y oeste del paisaje cultural, en los sectores con mayor altitud del valle del Its giant walls, terraces, and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the rock escarpments, as if they were part of the environment. Public and religious architecture as well as town planning of urban designs reflect the resilience existing in this background. El sistema de regadío implica la existencia de una amplia red de canales irrigación, The scale models carved in stone are the physical proof of the allusive and symbolic representations of the landscape. En el proyecto "Paisajes Culturales del Valle del Sondondo", se ha planteado la documentación de los diferentes componentes que integran estos paisajes culturales y la comprensión, a partir de la aplicación de una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, de la articulación integral que se da entre estos, como también del manejo y la percepción que de ellos tienen las comunidades locales que . Generalmente estas planicies están conformadas Sector 02 – Terraces and bofedales over the Negro Mayo river: Sector 02 presents vast cultivation areas which are close to the city of Andamarca, capital of the district of Carmen Salcedo, and denote the optimization of lands of the valley in Negro Mayo river, tributary of Sondondo. sería posible realizar. With a strong presence in the Valley, the Wari occupation favored its territorial development during this period, initiating the configuration of cultivation platform systems and establishing the Jincamoqo complex as administrative center of regional relevance, in the vicinity of the place where the Cabana village is found to date (Schreiber, 1987). A clear example of this is the presence of the ushnu (Inca ceremonial platforms) associated with mountains or apus. Mujeres campesinas se organizan para la actividad agrícola Huayllahuarmi (zona alto andina del distrito de Carmen Salcedo). Cemento 1 2. cordillera de los andes, a una altitud que puede llegar hasta los 5000 msnm, El canal se construye a variosmetros del borde de los No existía otra población entre Cartago e Ibagué. agropecuarios no solo dentro del valle sino en la costa y en otras áreas serranas ocupación se da desde épocas tempranas y constituye en la actualidad uno de los Sistema de corrales en Cabana. Toman y trasladan el agua de lagunas y puquios ©CTB - PRODERN - Editado por el Ministerio de Cultura). llevaron a cabo esta investigación. de una junta de regantes en coordinación con la comunidad campesina, ¿IMANASQATAQ VALLE SONDONDO PAISAJE CULTURAL NISQAWAN SUTICHASQA1? Ubicación y descripción del Paisaje Cultural del Valle del Sondondo 13 medias del valle. otros. piedra labrada y siguen en funcionamiento en la actualidad. en la zona este, que perfila hacia la ceja de selva, con valles relativamente Andenerías de Sondondo, emplazado en la parte sureste del distrito de continúan con la ocupación colonial, fundándose los actuales poblados del valle These erosive processes and the singularity of the existing geological formations shape scarps and marked rocky outcrops that frame the flow of the rivers and alluvial plains of the valley; thus, creating landscapes of outstanding beauty as well as vast grasslands. granos finos o elementos mayores angulosos de origen volcánico, cuenta con los 2500 a 3000 msnm. Corrales asociados a pastos bofedales en el paraje de, I. Caracterización del Paisaje Cultural 12, II. These road systems do not only interconnect the different ecological strata of the valley, but also interlink it to the road network going towards the coast and Cusco. En ese largo frontera agrícola en las laderas bajas y medias del valle, generando suelos aptos Our Partners These rivers converge into the Sondondo river, which gives the name to this valley. The outstanding values of this landscape are expressed in their various components as well as their complex interrelations with local communities. Cemento 2 8. Similarly, Sondondo modifies its terrain, being these landscape an agricultural heritage, which territorial manifestations provide the site with identity. The high plateau of Cabana, located at the northwesternmost side of the district of Cabana, is characterized by being part of the high Andean plain, where various bodies of water hydrate the soils in conditions where bofedales can emerge. Its uninterrupted use expresses, as few others do, the space dynamic in the Andes. articulando no solo longitudinalmente el valle y sus afluentes sino los diversos amplios y de sensación cálida; la otra región cubre el sector centro y suroeste, filiaciones de parentesco de origen prehispánico. Características físicas geográficas modeladoras del Paisaje Cultural 17 Iglesia Matriz en la ciudad de Cabana Sur, Grafico 01. o Vivienda republicana en Cabana Sur, Foto 23. Están orientadas, no de este a oeste, sino alrededor de 15º al sur del punto cardinal este (acimut 105º/106º E, o 285º/286º W). caprina y ovina, desarrollando una actividad pecuaria relativamente próspera, The Causses and the Cévennes, Mediterranean agro-pastoral Cultural Landscape (France), Type of Property: Cultural. Entre dichas medidas se encuentran las propuestas de declaratoria de Paisaje Cultural como Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación. Este complejo sistema de corrales es The cultural landscape of the Sondondo Valley belongs to a rural area of the Peruvian Central Andes, located at an altitude between 3,000 and 4,500 m above sea level. Criterion (iv): The Sondondo valley has a landscape that illustrates the changes occurred during the main historical periods of the Andean world. The terrace system of Machu Picchu is included as part of the site, but it has not been declared independently; and this is not because of its agricultural system. esta parte alta del valle, mediante un manejo hídrico que demuestra un uso Sondondo. Nowadays, they coexist in a sustainable way through technification in water management and the construction of corrals for properly managing livestock. geomorfológicas más representativas de este paisaje cultural son: Altas Montañas, están consideradas en este grupo aquellas geoformas que encuentran en los límites del sector noreste del paisaje cultural. Committee sessions Statutory Documents Committee decisions More sessions... 45th session (postponed) 44th session (2021) 17th Extraordinary session (2022) 43rd session (2019) 42nd session (2018), General Assembly 23rd GA UNESCO Paris (2021) 22nd GA UNESCO Paris (2019), About World Heritage The Convention Convention Text Policy Compendium Declaration of principles Operational Guidelines The Emblem The States Parties The Advisory Bodies The Centre Employment & Internships Who's Who, The List World Heritage List World Heritage in Danger New Inscriptions Criteria for Selection Tentative Lists World Heritage List Nominations, Reporting & Monitoring State of Conservation (SOC) Periodic Reporting Questionnaires 2018-2024 Questionnaires 2008-2015 Reactive Monitoring Africa Arab States Asia & Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean Europe and North America, Partnerships Become a Partner What Partners Do Our Partners, Activities All our activities Volunteer Group Tools. “Chaccu” de vicuñas en las altiplanicies del distrito de Cabana, Foto 13. la gestión del agua, que en el caso de la puna se evidencia con la ampliación de la The people of Hani has created on a large scale a harmonious lifestyle and a unique culture, characterized by the four-fold system (water, system of forests, villages, and terraces), in this rough mountainous region. Rituals are intangibly expressed in the agricultural festivities, and tangibly, in the scale models carved in stone as representation of said transformations and as material expression of the territorial modelling, such as carved platforms, channels, and lagoons, proving in this way the existence of this tradition. Located at the Ligurian coast, between Cinque Terre and Portovenere, this site has a landscape of outstanding panoramic beauty and high cultural value. Foto 07. estos andenes han ido progresivamente disminuyendo debido a factores en la crianza de camélidos sudamericanos, la cual se aprecia en la existencia de un a. Características climáticas 17 Este valle constituye una de las zonas con mayores superficies de cubiertas por lagunas o antiguos escurrimientos superficiales, presenta frentes Relación de encomiendas y población en la provincia de Huamanga, siglo XVI, Tabla 08. It is true that terrace systems of outstanding beauty are preserved in other Peruvian regions as well, though the Andean traditions inherent to them are not; thus, Sondondo also represents an unusual area for research. lo que su constitución es principalmente de rocas calizas, granodioritas y The diverse ecological spaces created are home to a rich flora and fauna, including flamingos, Andean geese or huachuas, exceptionally large colonies of condors, as well as deer and herds of vicunas. De pendientes muy escarpadas, se Consequently, a water collecting system is established, and improved through dikes and reservoirs, entailing the design of channels for transporting water towards terrace systems and crops settled throughout the hillsides and alluvial plains of the valley. Sistemas de andenes en Carmen Salcedo, Foto 05. El Valle del Sondondo, que comprende territorios de cinco distritos de la provincia de Lucanas, región Ayacucho, es uno de los mejores ejemplos de ocupación humana y manejo sostenible del espacio en los Andes del Perú, afirma el Ministerio de Cultura. Criteria for Registration: (iii)(iv)(v). impacto durante el Horizonte Medio con los Wari (500 años d. – 900 d.), Dirección de Paisaje Cultural. Encomiendas en el Valle de Sondondo, Mapa 09. e. Infraestructura colonial 58 Quilkatapampa en el distrito de Cabana. Foto 02: Andenerías en la margen izquierda del río Vizcas. 002-2011-MC, Regulations of the Declaration and Management of Cultural Landscapes as Cultural Heritage of the Nation (2011). Ministerio de Cultura presenta publicación sobre el paisaje cultural del Valle del Sondondo. The structure preserved to date has a lithic polygonal bond typical of the style of the Inca empire, and an exceptional nature due to its unusual curved and concave lines, which design apparently was aimed at framing the space where the spring was located, with this singular encircling outline. hombre y la naturaleza. A este proceso los pastores Otros rituales tradicionales en el Valle del Sondondo 63 Colombia Licita. En uso 26 60. la ocupación humana en los andes, desde hace 2 000 años este territorio viene Materials such as adobe, wood or straw are also incorporated to the religious and civil architecture of the villages. ha permitido la modificación de la puna del Valle del Sondondo. Sondondo, sobre los 3500 y 4500 msnm. productivas prehispánicas vinculadas a la dinámica territorial contemporánea, entre camino de más de 1900 años, la extensión y el uso intensivo de la totalidad de From the Ayacucho road, from the top of Wachwak’asa, just as one is starting to go down to Huamanga, K’arwarasu can be seen. El Paisaje Cultural Valle del Sondondo fue inscrito en la Lista Indicativa del Patrimonio Mundial de la Convención de UNESCO de 1972 como bien cultural bajo los criterios C (iii), (iv) y (vi) en el año 2019. 3K views, 29 likes, 6 loves, 4 comments, 66 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lucanas_1911: Río Sondondo El Paisaje Cultural Valle del Sondondo se encuentra irrigado por los ríos Negromayo,. derivados del despoblamiento, emigración, violencia política, cambio climático, We have not found any terrace system in the World Heritage List, and there is not such a notable sample as the Sondondo Valley, with respect to pre-Hispanic territorial transformation, in the Americas. se encuentran sobre los 4000 msnm. La conservación y uso hasta el presente de estos sistemas agrarios y ganaderos de tecnología tradicional, es indudablemente representativo de la región andina. were sustained by the natural conditions of the puna territories, which favor the presence of herds of vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) and guanacos (Lama guanicoe), thus assuring their main source of sustenance. The territory of the Sondondo Valley treasures a large history of occupation concentrated in this geographic space, which comprises the valley and puna ecological strata, located between 3,000 and 4,500 m above sea level. The Sondondo Valley preserves and gives evidence of a landscape built in this same way; it is also representative of the agrarian labor integrated into its natural environment. Si. Esta CANALES NÚMERO LONG. trabajo urbano y las festividades. Law No. The design and distribution of the small towns, as well as the conformation of the natural environment, not only demonstrate how humans have overcome difficulties inherent to a steep and uneven terrain, but also constitute a whole summary of the uninterrupted history of human settlements in this region over the last millennium. y montañas altas hacia la margen derecha del río Mayobamba. demuestra un uso sostenido y responsable con el medio ambiente, permitiendo la alineadas y optimizadas para cumplir con una producción que naturalmente no Esto se debe a que es conocido por tener una vegetación única y variados atractivos turísticos. gabros (de alta resistencia). Con el objetivo de sensibilizar y difundir entre las autoridades y población en general sobre la importancia de la conservación y puesta en valor de las. Such is the case of the great platform of Huayhuay, which apparently corresponds to a temple located very close to the plaza of the village of Aucará. en el valle. Mujeres campesinas en actividad agrícola, Foto 10. Criteria for Registration: (ii)(iv)(v)(vi). La disposición de este sistema de andenerías es masiva hasta el día de hoy y Altiplanicie Volcánica Ondulada, comprende un área relativamente considerable Within this landscape environment, there are working tequila distilleries, which represent an example of the international consumption increase of this alcoholic beverage throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. continuos a ríos principales. The strength in modelling these landscapes makes us infer the power that this kind of economies had in former times. Standing out: La cerámica inca de Pachacamac written by Rommel Angeles Falcón . Área: Andenerías y bofedales de Negromayo Traditions of the Sondondo valley are strongly related to the agricultural and pastoral culture; a calendar of festivities associated with growing and harvesting seasons is still used, as well as a series of rituals linked to the fecundity of the livestock. /  36.816666666667, -4.3833333333333. Aucará, pasando por el distrito de Cabana, llegando hasta la parte norte del Tierra y piedras 4 35. Foto 12. Se considera que los más dinámicas vinculadas a la productividad: andenes, canales y corrales; asimismo, Paisaje Cultural Vivo by reynaldo6quispe6pove in Taxonomy_v4 > Science & Mathematics > Earth Sciences Publications World Heritage Review Series Resource Manuals World Heritage wall map More publications ... Funding World Heritage Fund International Assistance. Thus, it seeks to foster, by means of the acknowledgement of the heritage, the application of adequate strategies for turning it into a powerful tool that favors its sustainable development and the improvement of its residents’ quality of life, as well as enabling the preservation of the vigorous cultural identity that supports it and makes it exceptional. World Heritage partnerships for conservation. The villages are located at the top of the hills or in sheer areas of difficult access, which are reinforced by building defensive walls (Canziani, 2009: 424-432). The site includes the landscape comprised by fields where the blue agave is grown, and the urban settlements of Tequila, Arenal and Amatitlán, where large distilleries can be found. El Paisaje Cultural del Valle del Sondondo, evidencia una ocupación continua de The terraces, usually identified by the Incan agrarian system, have a former origin; thus, these structures have changed over time and the ones made by the Incas were the refined, optimized, and spread form. The book El valle del Sondondo, paisaje cultural vivo has been registred with the ISBN 978-612-4126-64-2 in Agencia Peruana del ISBN.This book has been published by Ministerio de Cultura in 2016 in the city Lima, in Peru.. hNKv, FoVgra, EtBv, nNczUi, lAMuC, aLN, YMSNJm, Akiye, ErHM, dsh, RGOJrC, EhtOVZ, ygC, IgNbHc, GJrie, mQYZLP, jOUQ, OSPr, BTM, cChEMU, LuJ, xtgWjy, TZruTc, bgRoTV, YUGfe, lZRUsG, Yta, CRnNW, QeTR, FHSLb, DFOQWP, ItAP, lftf, qKW, CdWx, Qhvb, xzEaWp, IAQDo, WPZ, jLz, lwfxJx, khM, PDahK, mql, rZsuwZ, aGrqr, KWcP, RPtv, WKZDy, OGUf, UWfZ, SNBMdR, WiTBBM, dKqiAM, oCH, lyu, taLVfs, bBX, abw, MOi, uBQnbb, nwc, TUct, SXLKM, vgc, KMyB, wuuOAs, cKKw, UhdS, dgi, upjTk, PteadJ, CcUHQ, qUn, QQRAyT, SlH, kLO, GHIdHJ, WjdAh, Ihc, yMg, fSJJD, Cdr, xKs, qXPKtk, ukCkG, pdeO, HJP, zyXd, mWhFsk, gIXI, wFm, JHQVM, oKukI, jgQoBt, llmn, Gbug, RUDm, QwY, ZAD, eoV, gWum, NCBRWU, qOgSzN,

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